"[574], Subsequently, Lau assigns them work at the den. Wolfram and Sieglinde are disguised on their journey to England. Brina Palencia. "I did not return to Phantomhive for the sake of the previous head. [471] Baldroy, Finnian, and Mey-Rin comment on how big the house is. Sebastian quietly tells him to clear the dishes and leave. [95] After Sebastian amuses him successfully, Undertaker reveals that all victims had their wombs removed. [573], Ciel stands up suddenly and stuffs himself, to the astonishment of all and to the disgust of Ran-Mao. Blood type [174], In response to a letter from Queen Victoria concerning the disappearances of children and their coincidence with the presence of Noah's Ark Circus, Ciel and Sebastian Michaelis go to London to investigate. Arthur sums up the situation: Charles had tried to make Ciel out as the killer; Ciel and Sebastian made thorough preparations to clear any suspicion surrounding themselves, and even though they know that Grey is the killer, they made the innocent Karl into the culprit. Ciel claims that Sebastian is a senior worker from the same factory as he. Three days later at a party, an annoyed Ciel complains inwardly about the directionless and meaningless lives of the English aristocracy. Sebastian asks Ciel why he asked him to save Wolfram. Earl Ciel Phantomhive (, Shieru Fantomuhaivu) is the current head of the Phantomhive house, the notorious Queen's Watchdog, the owner of the Funtom Corporation, and an Aristocrat of Evil. Sebastian states that Ciel worked hard. [75], When they arrive home, Ciel is shocked to find his manor and servants decorated with girly accessories. Edward, then, reveals that Elizabeth Midford has run away from the Midford Manor, to Ciel's and Sebastian's shock. Some of the corpses then start crawling up the luggage. Azzurro kicks Ciel and tells his snipers to kill Ciel's servants. Later, while Elizabeth and Soma converse, Ciel sleeps peacefully. [432], All of them, Sebastian included, line up by Ciel's bedside. Soma is pleased by Ciel's admittance that they are friends and hugs him joyfully. Horrified, they all dash away as the corpses start coming towards them. She snatches it, claiming he cares more about the ring than her feelings. He then flees to his room, where Ciel later enters to explain his situation and encourage Soma to be independent. Sebastian then comments on the photo, noting that the hallmark on the man's signet ring is the same on Beast's prosthetic leg. Ciel remarks that he will have to visit him and orders Sebastian to prepare the tickets.[389]. As Sebastian is bandaging Finnian's back's wounds, he is conflicted over Ciel's contradictory orders (before, Ciel confidently said they are not leaving until they solve the casenow he's yelling he wants to go home). They note that Agni must have been topping up the coal in the hearth, and that none of the rooms have been burglarized. In the storage compartment below, Ciel is startled to discover Snake. When Sebastian finally returns to Ciel's side, he has prepared the meal; however, they are interrupted by news about a werewolf attack. [32] He lies without compunction, particularly while he is undercover, and he is cynical and distrustful of the integrity of others. When Cheslock questions their choice of Clayton, Sebastian modifies Clayton's appearance, and they are all impressed with the result. Emerging from the smoke are Lau and Ran-Mao, who has broken the ceiling. Ciel offers to help, and Soma hugs him joyfully. Although Ciel dismisses the notion, Sebastian states that his response is strangeCiel is a boy who has met Grim Reapers and demons, yet he denies the existence of curses and werewolves. Suddenly Sebastian returns, and Ciel goes with him. After comparing notes, Ciel decides that they will take action tonight. Nonfiction is even better. Angered, Karl tries to punch him, but he is single-handedly suppressed by Tanaka. [120] Sebastian then asks why he was stopped from killing Angelina, and Ciel explains that she hesitated in killing him and lost sight of her next move. Just when Elizabeth is about to leave, Soma and Agni barge in his bedroom. [217], Later, Ciel and the other guests dine together. On June 3rd, the night before the big game, all the dorms hold a grand party, each once arriving in the main hall with great fanfare. Baldroy complained about Sebastian's comment, and Ciel berated them both for being loud. The information Sebastian gets is inconclusive; therefore, Ciel decides to head to the Werewolves' Forest because it would be meaningless to talk to a crazy person. [481], After the meeting is over, Wolfram carries Sieglinde outside, and they and Ciel reunite with Sebastian. Apart from Ciel Phantomhive, Sebastian's greatest lover would be Grell Sutcliff, the red-headed grim reaper who's utterly in love with the demon. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. [188], Unexpectedly, Doll helps him avoid detection from the other members. When Pitt mentions Ciel's love of mischief, Soma admits that he cannot imagine Ciel as a prankster, which prompts Pitt to say that Vincent Phantomhive and Tanaka had their hands full with Ciel back then. [440] He adds that he wanted to thank her before leaving; he just wanted to offer her a chance to go to the outside world. Sebastian warns Ciel that he has been set up by "Ciel". Sebastian suggests attending the meeting as well, but Ciel says that they may know exactly who is protected by Sirius, and is against the idea. The Queen tells Ciel to inform her about his trip to the Werewolves' Forest. [312] At the dining table, Grey and Phipps deliver a "love letter" from Queen Victoria to Ciel. He neither called him stupid nor foolish. The Sterling Silver rose was bred from the Peace rose and another unknown rose by Esther Gladys Fisher in 1957. [36] His greed has "no boundaries"; for instance, when he learned that a popular performer could double the sales of his new product, he immediately put up advertisements of her. Ciel politely declines, and Elizabeth leaves disheartened. Sebastian hands him a cup of tea, and Ciel dolefully stares at his reflection in it. Azzurro impulsively shoots at Ciel, but he soon discovers that Ciel is still alive. Afterward, Charles Phipps appears at the window and gives his greetings to Ciel. [309], They venture into another room, with Ciel musing that Elizabeth would not have placed her egg in a challenging place. 6 Ciel Phantomhive Loves Earl Grey Tea (Black Butler) Black Butler's Ciel Phantomhive is almost always seen with a cup of earl grey tea. "S-Sebastian," Ciel managed to stammer. He made eye contact with Baldroy before walking away. [308], Ciel is ambushed by Soma and Agni, who attempt to snatch away his egg. Suddenly, Sieglinde Sullivan, a young girl in a strong man's arms, appears. The Kuroshitsuji fandom has always been up for Yana's mastermind-like antics, but nobody was prepared for this. Ciel: WHAT!? Ciel retorts evenly that there are some things that cannot return despite one's utmost efforts. The bell in his grave rings suddenly. A person removes his blindfold, and the bid for Ciel begins. [246] After his usual behavior, he questions Ciel if they have met before. Relieved, Elizabeth asks him if this means that he does not hate her. Lau arrives, and after their slight banter, he tells Ciel all the details. For instance, he once jumped in front of a bear to guard Elizabeth Midford,[27] and he also attempted to protect her from a horde of Bizarre Dolls. Joker then reveals that the other first-string members of the circus are on their way to the Phantomhive Manor to kill its inhabitants. [346] Once the P4 light the torches, Sebastian and Ciel watch as Johann Agares declares 1889's Inter-Dormitory Cricket Tournament open. When they demand to know why he is here, Ciel answers that he has come to clean up the mess caused by the old pathetic hunting dog, that is, Randall. Joker, who has tried to interfere and got his arm cut off by Sebastian as a result, begs for Kelvin to be spared. [473] Piqued, Ciel replies he does not need to hear that from a demon who has not changed in centuries. The lady then thanks the people in the room for waiting, and announces the arrival of the "Starlight Four," consisting of Herman, Lawrence, Edgar, and Gregory. Ciel tells him to explain Patrick's murder. Elizabeth uses two swords to cut through the corpses attacking them. Ciel despises bad food, and would only eat it for diplomatic reasons. Edward comments that the performance was full of "passion and punch," and Ciel agrees. After Edward asks if there is nothing they can do, Sebastian comments on the "irksome" nature of human hearts to a dour Ciel. [187], Later, Ciel sees a chance to investigate, but Sebastian is told to perform in the place of Wendy, so Ciel decides to investigate on his own. . However, Ciel believes if he can make points, bring victory to his dorm, and make everyone shed tears, it will assure him the final prize. [34], As the executive chairman and owner of the prosperous Funtom Corporation, Ciel possesses business acumen; he accurately assesses market trajectories and conditions, such as when he anticipated that demand for products tailored to women and children would only continue to grow, and applies his ingenuity and foresight to expand his enterprise. Comforting Sieglinde, Ciel declares that children are not "tools"; he can't believe a mother would ruin her child's feet just for a chemical formula. Afterwards, a concerned Elizabeth asks a flustered Ciel if he is all right.[261]. He passes the entrance exam with Sebastian's help. [571] Initially, Ciel and Sebastian assume that Lau is cooperating with Scotland Yard to claim the bounty placed on Ciel. When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." [339], In Latin class, Sebastian leaves a note for Ciel to meet him later. Status [33] Furthermore, he is merciless with his enemies; on numerous occasions, he had Sebastian slaughter them. Undertaker gleefully laughs as they attack him together. Arthur Conan Doyle is chosen to watch Ciel, and they are handcuffed together. [146], They return to the manor; shortly after, Agni and Soma return as well. Ciel instructs Sebastian to complete all of his fag assignments. [268], Ciel and Elizabeth watch Sebastian and Grelle fight. The butler shows them a list of names that fits their descriptions,[98] and they discover that the only person who suits their criteria is the Viscount of Druitt, Aleister Chamber. Sebastian is about to ask him about his cough, but Ciel silences him with one meaningful statement. Ciel ends the explanation with a statement that he believes Sieglinde will be beneficial to England. Clayton then approaches Ciel and assigns him to clean the dining hall. [546], Then, Ciel composes himself, asserts that he wants an assessment of the situation, and suggests that they do a sweep of the place. The boat tips over and all the Blue House boys topple into the river. They meet Wolfram first and then Sieglinde, who is strapped on her new invention: "Arachne Patousa," which are spider legs that enable her to walk. Ciel then wakes up to find himself blindfolded and his limbs tied. Soma bursts in, grabs Agni, and demands to know where Mina is. [462] At the same time, the Panzer's cannon fires. Maaya SakamotoMiyuki Sawashiro (First Drama CD) how to parry in street fighter alpha 3 . After escaping his inner world, Ciel wakes up in the darkness; he orders Sebastian to instantly let go of him. She ends the letter with a question asking Ciel for his thoughts on the subject. [400] They are unable to deduce anything from the old woman's ravings. He can play the violin passably, is a good actor, is compotent at fencing and has an education roughly equivalent to a modern tenth grader. ", "Come to think of it, Ciel bashes those he despises using all sorts of foul language that even gets censored sometimes (back then, there was an incident when the lines he addressed to Kelvin had to be changed, lol).". To Ciel's irritation, Othello gathers samples from him. Ciel cautions him to watch his stepthey are all done here as well. This disqualifies the duo; Sebastian and Ciel continue to seek hidden Easter eggs. Before they can do it twice, the dorm supervisor walks in and stops it. Several boys stand near Ciel as Ciel converse with Maurice. [497], At Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian accommodates Ciel and Edward with tea, while details of the event that transpired at the music hall are relayed to him. Sebastian is invited onstage where he gets bitten by a tiger. All I want is to give those who betrayed and defiled the name of Phantomhive a taste of the humiliation and pain . Elizabeth throws the ring on the floor forcefully, and it shatters into pieces. Ciel, Sebastian, and Lau continue to hide because Harold would recognize their faces. He offers Snake a place at his manor and assures him that they would be looking for Joker and the others. [252] While Sebastian holds off Knox, Ciel states he will go on aheadwhen Sebastian is done playing, he should follow him.
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