Use the same account and membership for TV, desktop, and all mobile devices. Memorialize Eugene's life with photos and stories about him and the Ebens family history and genealogy. Each winter, once the ice caves start to freeze up (usually sometime in December), visitor's flock to the tiny town of Eben Junction to see the ice caves and, while they're out there, support local businesses like the Eben Ice Caves concession stand, the Rock River Cafe and the New Moon Tavern. To the best of our knowledge, NO humans have been killed. So why do we as a species desire it so much? About This Home Renovated ranch with a fabulous great room which includes a bright sunroom addition with vaulted ceiling. Theyve mutated and evolved over their time and now exist in many forms. Five years into the mission, Earth lost communication completely. The entire article and the contents within are published by, wholly-ownedandcopyright of UFO Insight. And while they were here they enlisted us as their work-force to mine it for them. Laugh if you will at conspiracy theories, but they offer explanatory value for their believers, a way of making sense of why things happen, even if it is a funhouse-mirror explanation of the world. Share Memory. In early 1952, EBE1 sadly passed away without ever making contact with his home. The Ebens themselves would most often live in small communities, relatively spread out from each other. If you ask the internet, the answer is yes, they've contact us and given us the key to unlocking the universe. Oh the light! They've been keeping tabs on us, to such an extent thatThe Yellow Bookcontains a detailed history of Earth. The theory goes that Eisenhower faked items on his schedule so he could conduct secret meetings with the Ebens. Today, one of Paula's brothers is the . Flora mainly consisted of several species but was chiefly found in the cooler polar regions. It was slightly smaller in size but the atmosphere was consistent to that of Earths. In November 1977, Steven Spielberg released his movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. It was a financial and artistic success. This would take place at a secret base in New Mexico in April 1964. The transcript of a President Ronald Reagan briefing by then CIA Director William Casey was discovered. After a meeting was set, our government picked the best of the best from its ranks and erased their existence in all public records. Mothman and Bigfoot apparently are native to Earth, that is, lived here for some time. Have you ever wondered why gold is so valuable? Here are, unknown to most of us, such alien races in contact with earth: The Grays come from a star-system known as Zeti Reticuli; Which is a star system located somewhere in the southern celestial hemisphere. So if you manage to piss of them off then you must be a douche-bag of galactic proportions. Amid a spate of anti-Asian hate crimes this past year, the story of Vincent Chin the 27-year-old Chinese American brutally beaten and killed in 1982 by two former autoworkers, Ronald Ebens During that event they gave thousands of people across the State of Arizona in North America a spectacular light-show in the sky. and our government has been in contact with them. Kiran Yasmin Standing at up to 22 feet tall these bad-ass beings are made up of pure muscle. When the intrepid dozen arrived at Serpo they discovered that the Eben planet was like the Earth in many ways. All of the Ebens food came from large bio-dome-like structures which they would grow and harvest themselves. His wealthy background permitted him a good education, even going as far as graduating from Yale University. By then, six bodies of dead aliens had decomposed, so there wasnt much of them left. Through the years, officials who are privy to this information have provided some acknowledgement that the reports are true. He was an athletic young man who won many gold championships in the early 1900s. In the first half of Friday's show, reporter and editor for, Linda Moulton Howe presented an interview with "Don," a man who phoned in during her January 20th, 2006 Coast appearance and said his uncle had shown him top secret files and photos taken in 1947 of crashed discs and small entities. The remaining astronauts Returned Home in 1978 and the government quarantined them for an entire year. The 2023 Downed UFO Wave Over North America Just What Is Going On? Their height ranges from 3'4 to 3'8, with some exceptions. You may not republish the article in its entirety. However they are still active on our planet with puppets placed in the high echelons of government, as they bide their time in an attempt to take over once again. The Night Sky. We use cookies and similar technologies to run this website and help us make recommendations for you. Foreclosure, Estate or in need of repair. They CAN LOOK LIKE BLOND HUMANS. Richard's funeral service was held at All Saints Church, 11 Irving St., Worcester on Saturday, February 25 at 11:00AM. Its inhabitants are referred to as Eben. The Scandinavians had the Nordics and the Dogons; A tribe indigenous to Mali in Northern Africa had the Nommos who hailed from the brightest star in our night sky, Sirius. Kiran Yasmin Hybrids are particularly common across the cosmos and are believed to be of the alien races in contact with earth. The author does not own the rights to this content. This is thought to be due to exposure to radiation during the space flights. Also, they have been touted as the best beings to make firstcontactwith us due to their advanced and harmonious relationship with technology. The one that alienexperts (assuming that you can call them that) all seem to agree on is the Yahyel. The 12 American astronauts prepared to embark on their adventure, but for some reason, the exchange got postponed. In 1984, Ronald Ebens and Michael Nitz were indicted on two counts of conspiracy and violating Vincent Chin's right to be in a place of public accommodation because of his race, and sentenced to. The Ebens retrieved the remains of their dead comrades and left. Project Serpo, according to the claims, would see a dozen human beings take part in an intergalactic exchange program! One where they would find themselves in another galaxy in the name of research and relations. We desire it because the Anunnaki desire it. He also had a cameo appearance in the Spielberg movie. On the off-chance that theyre not happy with their selection then they bring it back and choose another. Vote up the craziest stories or theories about the Yellow Book and the Ebens. Our unique blend of yoga, meditation, personal transformation, and alternative healing content is designed for those seeking to not just enhance their physical, spiritual, and intellectual capabilities, but to fuse them in the knowledge that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Other Resources: During his bachelor party at a club on the night of June 19, Chin and three friends were signaled out by Ronald Ebens, 43, and Michael Nitz, 23, his stepson, according to NBC News, who, witnesses. Ebens is believed to. During their stay on Serpo, the Americans learned what they could about the history of the Ebens. updated February 22, 2023, 5:19 am, by The last known contact with them is said to have taken place sometime in 1985. Read about the Serpo Exchange Program and President Ronald Reagans knowledge of Project Serpo. Whether they choose to show up or not depends on how much theyre feeling your psychic energy so sending messages like Get your interstellar b**ts over here, now! are unlikely to work out well for you. They have yellow eyes with vertical pupils and very large, beaked noses. Even so, the remains were taken to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for evaluation and study. Some say an alien civilization existed before mankind was born on planet Earth. Witnesses Reports:It is not clear whether this would be their name, or whether the expression is used in a generic way to refer toExtraterrestrialBiologicalENtities. There is the possibility that Project Serpo is just the latest in a long line of disinformation released to a public with an insatiable appetite for UFO and alien conspiracy theories. Whether there is any validity to these theories is up for debate, but some are so intriguing they cant be ignored. helium till ballonger biltema. The briefing said they were from Epsilon Eridani in Eridanus, but are then listed in number 5), from planet Silus in Zeta Reticuli? They served no jail time and were given three years' probation, fined $3,000, and ordered to pay $780 in court costs. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Ebben was born as Paula Blute on 9 November 1966, in Boston to Dr. Bob Blute and the late Dame Mrs. Anne-Marie Blute of the House of Malta. ", "Most disturbingly, this FSB report warns, is that the 'Tall White' agenda being implemented by the 'secret regime' ruling the United States calls for the creation of a global electronic surveillance system meant to hide all true information about their presence here on earth as they enter into what one of Snowdens documents calls the 'final phase' of their end plan for total assimilation and world rule. Ebens was sentenced to 25 years in prison, but his lawyers appealed his conviction and he was released on bond. And it is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. This is one of the alien races in contact with earth. Its likely that theyll skin you alive and leave youre skeleton on a stick hanging outside of the entrance as a warning to any other scale-less punks who decide to invade their territory. She indeed made a massive fortune working as a TV journalist for many news corporations. The Decade After Roswell A Wave Of UFO Crashes And Recovery. Another two members had opted to stay on Serpo. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Fred Ebens. Picture # 20 An alien is seen peeping through a window who looks baffled by the bright beam of light that is being pointed towards it. Two Americans liked life on Serpo so much, they decided to stay there. The remainder took several years to acclimatize to these conditions but ultimately did so. The 37 light year journey took a reported nine months to complete. When the time came, this was a challenge that all members managed to adjust to. Motives:These are the TallGreys that made an agreement in 1954 (or 1964) with theUS Government that allowed them to abduct humans in exchange for technology. WM CASEY: Mr President, we have intelligence that would indicate this one (1) species of aliens have ABDUCTED PEOPLE FROM EARTH. Just like most nerds, this races development of their minds rather than their bodies made them small in stature. According to Kasten, only one Eben stayed behind on Earth. We have written for example of Paul Hellyer and his controversial but very clear claims several times before. In this case, the story cites Paul Hellyer, the 1960s Canadian defense minister who is now a fervent UFO activist. They are believed to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. Add Event; Find. The details included in the articleare based on the reports, accounts and documentation available as provided bywitnesses and publications - sources/references are published above. A single Eben being would remain with the Americans throughout the program. They come toEarthto pick up a juicy selection then take it home to do cosmos-only-knows what. In the movie, there are human encounters with extraterrestrials (ETs) and, in the end, one person voluntarily decides to join the ETs and travel with them back to their planet. At the Forums, mention is made of "about 57". Their development was found to be necessary after the Grays mutated themselves through genetic experimentation to a point where they could no longer reproduce using conventional means i.ealiensex, and were only able to spawn new generations by cloning themselves. EBENS HEAD. The Sassani are a hybrid that was developed from reptilians and gray-humans. This communication would result in an organized landing of a team of Eben beings. In December 1952, the military made contact with the alien race referred to as Ebens who lived on the Planet Serpo in the Zeta Reticuli system, and communications transpired over the next nine years. Despite being sent on a decade-long mission, their food supply was only sufficient to last for a couple of those years. The reasons were never disclosed, at least officially. Laura Clay You can see where the Scandinavians got their inspiration for Thor from. If Yoda came from any one of thealienspecies on this list, it would probably have been this one. A Military was reported but weapons were never used and violence was completely unheard of. Marcus has been Editor-in-Chief for several years due to his excellent knowledge in these fields. During that time they were thoroughly debriefed. People Photos Purpose. While it might be best to keep the account on the backburner for now, it shouldnt be cast away completely. According to these theories, the Ebens are aliens from the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The 12-man team remained on Serpo until 1978, when seven men and one woman returned to Earth. by Les Hewitt, September 2015 Updated April 2021. updated February 11, 2023, 2:18 am, by The Ebens had bases on a nearby planet known as OTTO, but it was otherwise barren and lifeless. So you could probably take one of them in a fist-fight. If the US government allowed a certain version of events to enter the mainstream (events they were publicly in opposition to), then that might imply that the reason was to create a buffer between the real details of the Roswell incident and what the public believed to be the real truth. His effort was not unrewarded. Soget out your FBI badge, because it's time to find the truth. Cloning is well and good if you want to create new beings. On June 19, 1982, Vincent Chin was celebrating his upcoming wedding at a bar in Highland Park, Michigan, with his friends when he encountered two white men, Ronald Ebens and his stepson Michael Nitz. The opinions and discussion in the comments below are not the views of UFO Insight, they are the views of the individual posting the comment. It received a number of accolades, including nominations for four Golden Globes and eight Academy Awards. In 1965, an Ebens craft landed on American soil and our team joined them among the stars. This Eben continued to work as an intermediary for both the US Military and Eben people until its passing in 1952. Skin color varies from shades of gray to ash white. And arebelievedto be where humans will one day be. According to some reports, they also have tails. . Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: Pulse/Respiration: Blood Pressure: Hair: Skin: Eyes: Life Expectancy: Other Physical Information: Special Traits and Abilities: Communication Type: So, what to make of such bizarre and off-the-wall claims as Project Serpo? It is also speculated that certain Reptilian species are likewise 'native' to Earth, having lived here and extracted Earth resources for some time. Some even believe that we humans are genetic hybrids ourselves but thats a discussion for another conspiracy forum. Thats right, out entire existence is based on working our socks off every day. A device that would allow communication to the aliens (the Ebens) home planet. [4] They were then given their own planet and allowed to roam free. The doctor told us they have used 308's body to create a type of cloned human being. Hotel Lobby Window Wall. Another factor that they were also faced with was the Serpo day. The Ebens retrieved the remains of their dead comrades and left. They believe those aliens come to Earth from time to time, keeping a track on how humans are progressing, looming over us like gods. Dr. Steven Grier is another who voices similar opinions regarding alien life in human affairs. Much like Earth, Serpo had indigenous animal life that was utilized as tools of work and not sources of food. Ronald Ebens, one of the men accused of beating Vincent Chin to death, is seen here accompanied by an unidentified woman as he enters federal court. Hotel Lobby/Great Room. . Documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden conclusively prove that the United States has been ruled by a race of tall, white space aliens who also assisted the rise of Nazi Germany in the 1930s. As it turns out, due to their confusion with their calendars, they stayed 13 years. Hand signs were also used as well as translation devices that had limited . Fearing the entire unit dead or trapped somewhere in space, the mission was close to abandonment. On August 25, 1965, Ebens started work at Chrysler Corporation's plant in Belvidere, Illinois, and promoted to salaried trim foreman on November 8, 1965.He married Juanita Ebens in 1971, his second marriage after a brief marriage at the age of 18. So much so, that the reverse-engineering of it was possible. Marcus also regularly appears as an expert on radio talk shows including Troubled Minds and Unexplained Radio discussing these topics. Our motto always is, "you make up your own mind". Explore. Here are top 20 alien pictures that will bring you to the edge of your seats. Ebens are said to be from the Zeta Reticuli star group. This Eben continued to work as an intermediary for both the US Military and Eben people until its passing in 1952. Born 1926 and died 1991. The Pleiadians come from a bright star cluster known as the Pleiades. Hotel Exterior. NASA Apollo Mission UFO Pictures From the Apollo 12, 14, 15, 16, shuttle Atlantis, and shuttle Discovery missions, these UFO pictures have almost all been proven fake. He attempted to communicate, but spoke in tonal qualities that Americans were never able to understand or speak, according to UFO researcher Len Kasten. And is thought to be one of the alien races in contact with earth. They trained for years to learn the Ebens's language and culture. 08/17/2007 Two Bulls and Several Cows Dead and Mutilated in Manitoba, Canada. A dedicated website has been created that chronicles this story in a more detailed fashion. We have written before of the apparent secret talks between President Eisenhower and various aliens races in the 1950s. Well no planets have been found around Zeta Reticuli. Twelve military members would make up the crew for the mission. The assignment required their unquestioned absence for 10 years: no one on Earth should be concerned about their whereabouts for the duration of the mission. The type of neighbors that you conveniently forget to invite over for a dinner party. So, perhaps it's not necessarily a bad thing that Tehran thinks its main adversary is backed by the power of space aliens. The latter seems the more likely scenario, which in my opinion casts doubts on the name Eban for the tall greys as well. License. Here's an overview of the four parts the compose the series: Part 1: Language Essentials, the current part; covers fundamental syntax and concepts such as operators, loops, and functions. By Emil Guillermo The estate of Vincent Chin has won its fight to keep a lien on a Nevada property occupied by Ronald Ebens, one of the men responsible for Chin's death. Hotel Entry. and were given to the U.S. Government for observation/examination/study by the Ebens. In 2007, the U.S. Library Of Congress deemed the film culturally, historically and aesthetically significant and chose it for preservation in the library for all time. Read the purported story of Project Serpo, then consider the evidence. Assistir Dortmund X RB Leipzig - Ao Vivo Grtis HD sem travar, sem anncios. Physical Appearance: Average Height: Average Weight: Body Temperature: The ten men and pair of women were scheduled to remain on Serpo for a decade and then be transported back to Earth for a debriefing. The slit for the mouth, very little nose or ears and large bulbous head is eerily similar to the real thing. Post a new comment! If this 3-second Eben is fake it looks so real I'm sure it has . UFO Whistleblower Karl Wolfe Killed in Mysterious Accident, Stephen Hawking's Last Warning: Superhumans May Conquer Humanity, Expediting the Disclosure Process; How to Submit a FOIA Request, Antibiotic Resistance is Becoming a Major Threat to Humanity, Victims of CIA's MKUltra Mind Control Program Are Fighting Back, FOIA Request Accidentally Provides Government Mind Control Files, Tech Start-Up Offers to Upload Clients' Consciousness to Computer, The Government Lifted Its Ban on Creating Deadly Super Viruses, The Monsanto Blackwater Connection; Spying on Activists. Something that we here onEarthare having a little trouble balancing out. Little is known about their lives since, except the last surviving one died in 2002. Download and use 2,000+ Beans stock photos for free. Serpo was a binary star system that meant elevated levels of heat and radiation. The population of Serpo at the time of the visit was about 650,000 and all were Ebens. Man admits taking 'sexual' pictures of public in St Helier. However, they are not blond, but UGLY-LOOKING INSECTS. And many of them come from people who have held very high-level positions in governments or militaries. UFO Insight does not take responsibility for the content of the comments below. Reagan had quite a few questions that he was told would be answered later in an additional briefing session. They were driven underground by the Anunaki. See our. For years, Ebens has been allowed to live his life quietly as a free man. We do not aim to prove nordisprove any of the theories, cases, or reports. These theories are fueled by transcripts that have only been declassified within the past decade, or from NASA having lost documents and recordings of the original lunar landing. Here is the gist of the story as best I understand it (or as the alien mind-control lasers allow me to understand it): Snowden, who has been given asylum in Russia, leaked documents that a race of extraterestrial "tall whites" arrived on Earth, helped Nazi Germany build a fleet of advanced submarines in the 1930s, and then met in 1954 with President Dwight Eisenhower "where the 'secret regime' currently ruling over America was established. Read Linda's full report here.
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