Spain and France were also involved in these plots and so there was always the danger of a foriegn invasion. Foreign prince candinates would all be Catholic. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. It had to deal with Irish . Drake knew he wasnt able to attack this port with any realistic hope of success. English direct involvement in the Netherlands, 1585-88. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. Nevertheless, the answer has sustained conceptual focus and is wide-ranging in its analysis. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th point + evidence. In 1569, one of the wealthiest landowners in England, the Duke of Norfolk concocted a plan to marry Mary, Queen of Scots and have her recognised as Elizabeths heir. A very detailed response which demonstrates excellent subject knowledge and reaches a clear judgement based on justifiable criteria. There were two important reasons why France was seen as a threat to England. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots eventually took place on 8th February 1587. They never met with the Duke of Parma and were forced to sail around the British Isles. Sir Francis Drake was a leading privateer and responsible for leading several expeditions into the New World in the late 1560s and 1570s. Elizabeth had reinstated Protestantism as the official religion of England when she inherited the throne, but that did not mean that there were not still Catholics residing in the country. In total, less than 10000 men and half the fleet made it back to Spain. [The conclusion establishes relative importance and explains why one factor was more important than another.]. The Duke of Norfolk was arrested and executed however Mary was not punished beyond her supervision being made tighter. Best Answer. Copyright The Student Room 2023 all rights reserved. The accession of Elizabeth Tudor to the throne of England in November 1558 meant that Mary was, by virtue of her Tudor blood, next in line to the English throne. This significantly committed Elizabeth to support the Dutch rebels directly against the Spanish. Ridolfis plan was to make Mary queen by first assassinating Elizabeth and then marrying Mary to the Duke of Norfolk. The invasion failed, however. The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. This aimed to ensure poor relief was collected. LS23 6AD Phillip II of Spain was reluctant to destroy his alliance with Elizabeth and therefore his support for the plots were heart-hearted. Here is an example answer to the following 16-mark question on the reasons for the increased Catholic threat to Elizabeth I after 1566. Moreover, to raise money Elizabeth would have to make the immediately-unpopular decision of raising taxes, the permission for which would need to be granted by parliament (which, in turn, could then make further demands on Elizabeth). Many of the rebel troops deserted while the two Earls fled to Scotland. On the show, Francis has a tumultuous relationship with his wife, Mary, and their inability to conceive a child is a major source of conflict between them. This focused on dividing the poor into the able-bodied and the impotent. Describe two features of Mary Queen of Scots' threat to Elizabeth I. The English Catholics now had no-one they could rally around and effectively lost hope of ever replacing Elizabeth. English exports to Europe were vital to the English economy and reached the European market via the Dutch ports, particularly Antwerp. Norfolk was also expected to marry Mary. The treaty essentially allowed Elizabeth to focus on developing events in the Netherlands and not worry about protecting her northern border. She changed the church back to Anglican and it has been the official . Most people in . More significantly, she was worried she would have to adopt a secondary role in the running of her country, as the period was very patriarchal. When Mary I died in 1558, England and Spain were allies in a war against France. Apple Ordered to Pay Optis Wireless $300 Million in Second LTE Patent Trial. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. The plot failed as it was discovered by Francis Walsingham, Elizabeths principal secretary and spymaster, who placed Throckmorton under surveillance for several months. Spanish invasion plans. He also had a big empire in North and South America and by 1581, he had also become King of Portugal which gave him control of the important Atlantic port of Lisbon. 1534 Duke of Angoulme (third son of Francis I)c1542 A Prince of Portugal1543 Son of the Earl of Arran 1544 Prince Philip (Philip II) 1547 Sir Thomas Seymour 1552 Prince of Denmark 1553 Courtenay, Earl of Devonshire 1554 Philibert Emanuel, Duke of Savoy 1554 Prince of Denmark 1556 Prince Eric of Sweden 1556 Don Carlos (son of Philip II)1559 Philip II 1559 Prince Eric of Sweden 1559 Son of John Frederic, Duke of Saxony 1559 Sir William Pickering 1559 Earl of Arran 1559 Henry Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel 1559 Robert Dudley 1560 King Eric of Sweden 1560 Adolphus, Duke of Holstein 1560 King Charles IX 1560 Henry, Duke of Anjou 1566 Robert Dudley 1568 Archduke Charles 1570 Henry Duke of Anjou 1572- 1584 Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Anjou. West Yorkshire, "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st explanation. Freshwater supplies were lost and many tons of food rotted as the fleet eventually sailed to England in 1588. The death of Spains leading admiral, Santa Cruz, in February 1588, led to the appointment of the inexperienced Duke of Medina Sidonia to lead the Spanish Armada. As Catholics do not believe in divorce it means that the marriage between Henry and Catherine was never dissolved, and therefore, the marriage with Anne never happened, and as a result of this Elizabeth was an illegitimate child and had no right to the throne of England. Stimulus = Mary Queen of Scots arrival in England / The sea beggars, [Examiner commentary following each paragraph and at the end is provided in italics], ____________________________________________________. This was viewed as significant because it was seen as a means to increase trade, to expand Protestantism and to use the area as a base for attacks on Spanish colonies in the New World. After his death, his two sons Harold and Hardicanute took over the throne in succession. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. He saw Drake as a pirate and therefore deemed Elizabeths act as deliberately provocative. "The little Queen of Scots is the most perfect child that I have ever seen," King Henry II of France proclaimed soon after meeting his new charge (Mary of Guise had stayed in Scotland to rule . In 1587, Sir Francis Drake attacked the Spanish port of Cadiz in what would become known as the Singeing of the King of Spains beard. Elizabeth had also claimed all the profits from copper mines that were discovered in his estates which meant he lost a significant amount of money too. This pleased those eager for her to marry, but made many unhappy because they did not want her to marry a French Catholic. Anthony Babington, an English Catholic, wrote to Mary about the plot. 214 High Street, By 1568 most people had accepted. William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, Burghley also spelled Burleigh, also called (1551-71) Sir William Cecil, (born Sept. 13, 1520, Bourne, Lincolnshire, Eng.died Aug. 5, 1598, London), principal adviser to England's Queen Elizabeth I through most of her reign. She was the last monarch of the Tudor period. The evidence was enough to persuade Elizabeth to put Mary on trial and eventually execute her for treason. They had enjoyed religious freedom under Queen Mary, Elizabeth's sister, and they were now being. Her arrival and ultimate house arrest were the result of her having to flee Scotland. This established a new Anglo-Scottish peace and also reconfirmed the agreement at Cateau-Cambresis. The raid on Cadiz was a good strategic move by the English and not only weakened the Spanish, but strengthened the English. Elizabeth faced many problems upon her accession to her throne in 1558 and, whilst the question of legitimacy was important, the immediate concerns of debt, as well as the threat from France and Scotland were of far greater significance as they instantly impacted upon her ability to rule. However, she was fearful of the presence of Spain in the Netherlands, who were busy putting down the Dutch Revolt from 1566 under the command of the Duke of Alba. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! The Spanish had planned to come alongside their opponents and attempt to board their ships to try to overcome the enemy through hand-to-hand fighting. The English had drastically improved their shipbuilding techniques which gave them several technological advantages. Apply for student finance without a bank account? "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd explanation. This caused panic among the Spanish sailors, who cut their anchor cables and broke their defensive formation as they headed for the open sea. Marys presence in England posed an on-going threat as she had a strong claim to the throne herself. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! Two influential Catholic families the Percys and the Nevilles plotted alongside the Duke of Norfolk to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with the Catholic, Mary, Queen of Scots (who now resided in England). In October 1586, Mary was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. France, Spain and Scotland were all Catholic countries in 1558. Upon his arrival, he accepted the position of Governor-General which proved to be a big mistake as it suggested that Elizabeth had taken control of the Netherlands. Moreover, the brazenness of these revolts was further helped by the blessing of the Pope, whose directives on recusancy and overthrowing Elizabeth were obeyed by many Catholics both domestically and internationally. The New World, privateering and the significance of the activities of Sir Francis Drake. Edward was succeeded by Mary, who in turn ruled for five years until her death in 1558. Describe two features of Elizabeth's religious settlement 1559 5. The Northern Earls staged a rebellion (1569) centred around Mary, aiming to depose Elizabeth and crown Mary, raising tension between the two monarchs. 30 ships were destroyed, as well as lots of supplies. Seeing Spain as a threat, Elizabeth tried to form an alliance with France. This was important because it demonstrated the strength of Catholic feeling within England and highlighted how Elizabeth, after 11 years, was still vulnerable to English Catholics. -Elizabeth forced to impose strict penalties against Catholics (penal laws) which enforced religious settlement and protected England against Catholic influence. West Yorkshire, Write a paragraph or two. In this sense, the colonisation of Virginia should be understood in relation to the wider conflict with Spain. In 1568, Spanish ships laden with gold bullion took refuge in English ports to escape the bad weather. In 1568 Elizabeth also controversially stole gold from Spanish ships (which was loaned from Genoese banks to fund the Spanish army, against the Dutch rebels) that were staying at English ports. In 1571, he developed a plot to overthrow Elizabeth using his Catholic contacts in England and Europe. Elizabeth therefore committed actions that helped undermine the Spanish whilst ensuring England did not become fully embroiled in the conflict. France was to be a constant thorn in the side of Elizabeth I throughout her reign. Boston House, France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. Born the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on 7 September 1533, Elizabeth's right to rule as queen of England never went unchallenged. One was debt. . King Phillip II had been married to Queen Mary I of England and the two had been allies in a war against France in the 1550s. However, the Catholic Church bans divorce which presented a problem for Henry as he could not legally get rid of Catherine. To her credit, when Elizabeth died in 1603, the nation was only in debt to the tune of 350,000 - 123,000 more than in 1558, but spread over the duration of her reign, this represented just under 3,000 a year. During the 1570s, England was starting to have ambitions of establishing an empire of its own and had hoped to become an imperial power that could rival Spain. The first being Elizabeth's refusal of marriage to Phillip if Spain. The Spanish attempted to regroup at Gravelines, however, the weather made it impossible for them to reform their defensive crescent formation which opened up an opportunity for the English to intercept and attack. August 3rd - 4th: Spanish ships were outgunned and forced to move to Calais in France. When Elizabeth came to the throne in 1558 her people were divided by religion. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! To counter homelessness and the begging/criminal activity that sometimes accompanied this, a law was passed that stated that, if found, vagrants were: 1) to be whipped and have a hole drilled through each ear 2) if found a second time would be imprisoned 3) would be killed if found a third time. Most of the fleet was then destroyed by storms. While a baby is born at various points throughout the show, Francis is not its father. This issue of divorce creates problems for Catholics. Those involved planned for an invasion of England by French troops and were financed by Phillip II of Spain and the Pope. Walsingham had established a large spy network and was able to intercept letters of Catholic conspirators and work with an expert cryptographer to decode them. They were not able to do this because the English used their greater manoeuvrability to stay out of range while firing broadsides (massive barrages of cannonballs) that could sink the Spanish ships. The defeat of the Northern Earls showed there was little appetite for a Catholic revolution. Level 4 is about analysis supported by a detailed line of reasoning, so embracing counter-arguments like this are encouraged (so long as they can be explained).]. Over the last 40 years there had been 3 different rulers, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I all of which had very different views on religion and running the country. Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland was part of the rebellion against Queen Elizabeth. The attack was a success. From there we will look at the career . Save. As Phillip was a devout Catholic, he disliked Elizabeths religious settlement and Protestanism. Another suitor for Elizabeth was Prince Eric of Sweden, later King Eric of Sweden. He even came to England to meet Elizabeth and she even announced before some of her courtiers that she would marry him. Mary was married to Philip II of Spain. By spring 1588, the Spanish Armada was complete and King Phillip was ready to launch his, The Armada was a huge fleet consisting of, The Spanish also had thousands of more soldiers stationed in the Netherlands under the command of the. Elizabeth's greatest problem in 1558 was the threat of invasion. -Threats from Catholics in the middle years were significant e.g. 1) In 1557, Mary I took England to war with France to support her husband who was already fighting the French. Elizabeth I - the last Tudor monarch - was born at Greenwich on 7 September 1533, the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook. In 1560, Scotland was ruled by Elizabeth's cousin called Mary Queen of Scots (MQS). He then banned English trade with the Netherlands for a period of time which damaged Englands economy and caused much hardship for the English people.
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