Guild Mortgage Menifee Office: 1-951-682-6581 ext 152. February 24, 2022 . November 2023. DATE/TIME: The FHCCI's 10th Annual Fair Housing Conference will be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 from 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM. Jons passions include playing guitar in a rock band, long distance triathlon racing, and public speaking. Presented by: Nuri Sherif, Community Legal Aid of MassachusettsMassachusetts is experiencing historic levels of housing unaffordability and inequity. Thank you. This workshop is designed to be informative to any and all participants at the conference but will have significant impact even on those with little civil rights background. Innovative, creative, and actionable housing strategies that respond to the growing demand for affordable housing. In approximately one-half mile the Hilton Garden Inn Wallingford will be on your right. The theme for the conference this year is Housing Solutions Post Pandemic. Acknowledgement as a Silver Sponsor during the Main Morning Session, High-visibility inclusion of logo in all event material, Main Line: 1-951-682-6581 Financial literacy barriers and lending trends that impact the sales market. Assessed values of local real estate are lower in towns where evictions take place. Utilizing these tools provide governments and industry opportunities to fund equity investments that will drive economic growth for everyone. Click here to watch on Facebook Live! She is currently on the board of the Boise City/ Ada County Housing Authority and an advisory board member with ULI Idaho. The Fair Housing Summit is hosted by the City of Fort Wayne's Metropolitan Human Relations Commission and Office of Housing & Neighborhood Services and is set for April 27th from 9:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum Conference Center, 4000 Parnell Ave. Breakfast and lunch is provided and there is no charge for the event. Richmond, Virginia 23219. She has been delivering housing stability services since 2015. Presenters will discuss federal, state and local fair housing law enforcement and compliance, improving outreach of purchase assistance programs to reach minority populations and those least likely to apply. Throughout her career, she has achieved many awards in the Salt Lake community such as the Top 50 Most Powerful Women and Utah Woman of the Year. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7th Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20410 T: 202-708-1112 Race conscious policies and practices favoring Whites created todays housing and economic disparities and only race conscious solutions can remedy them. Andrs is a member of the California State Bar. She has been involved in numerous training programs, continuing education courses and new agent mentoring throughout her career. Visit Website. This lecture seeks to explore and critique the impact of the Dobbs decision within the context of housing insecurity. Managers, owners and industry stakeholders join NAHMA because it is essential to their business. Barclays As always, the convention will provide the latest information housing authority staff and boards need to run their local agencies. . March 6-8, 2024 (Wednesday-Friday) #JustEconomy. This year, she is the recipient of the Idaho Woman Lawyers Bertha Stull Green Award and the Inns of Court Unsung Hero Recognition. ICP is a Dallas-based affordable fair housing organization. DATE/TIME: The FHCCI's 11th Annual Fair Housing Conference will be held on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM (ET). Mark Suderman: Mark has been with Idaho Housing for nine years. General; Schedule; Sponsors; . Stifel Robert Snow: Bob has more than 30 years of experience in affordable housing. Presented by Michelle Dumas-Kueler, Esq., CTCommission on Human Rights and Opportunities (CHRO). New in 2023: Registered attendees will receive an email with Zoom links to all workshops in the week before the conference. Todd Buchholz, former White House director of economic policy, Harvard professor and hedge fund guru Todd is a leading expert on global economic trends, finance, and market volatility. We've been busy this past year! As the Certified Real Estate Instructor of the Idaho Real Estate Commission, she has authored and developed many courses for continuing education credit. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month and are open to the public. There is a higher prevalence of COVID-19 risk factors in historically "redlined" neighborhoods. Slide from Transcending the Binaries of Housing Rights: LGBTQIA+ Inclusion and Fair Housing Law. Northeast Regional Administrator for the US Department of Labor, Womens Bureau. (Room MR 7&8), Track 2Overcoming impediments affecting homeownership. Report Housing Discrimination lorem ipsum placeholder file a report. As the director of loan acquisition, business development and participating lending business, Mark is responsible for Idaho Housings loan lifecycle up to delivery of loans to IHFAs inventors including Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mae. (Room MR 9), Track 3Critical updates in Fair Housing Part 2 (Room MR 10), Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD. Participants will come away with the knowledge to establish their small businesses and resources to access low-cost or free assistance. Harris CPAs D.A. His firm, Economics & Politics, Inc., based in Redlands, has produced project specific economic impact studies for transportation and water agencies, housing developers, environmental entities and the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. The Riverside Hotel 2900 Chinden in Boise, ID. Rocky Mountain Community Reinvestment Corporation Panelists: Rashida Rattray, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Maria Cuerda, Education and Outreach Coordinator, and Pam Heller, Staff Attorney; all from CT Fair Housing CenterAccording to data from the National Low Income Housing Coalition, more than two thirds of extremely low-income households in Connecticut spend more than 50% of their income on housing. Mortgage lenders Protocols and requirements will be revised based on requirements of Washington, DC, in place at the time. Katie Symons: Katie is a supportive housing consultant and CFO for BeauxSimone Consulting. Registration opens March 3, 2023. Eide Bailly LLP Home2 Suites by Hilton Downtown two blocks from Boise Centre. He has been the general counsel for Tomlinson & Associates for three years and has enjoyed learning the operations side of the profession from an industry leader. His work has included advising housing providers on fair housing compliance and defended housing providers against fair housing violation claims and lawsuits. Developers The theme for the conference this year is Housing Solutions Post Pandemic. *Discounted rooms are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The Fair Housing Project provides services to members of all protected classes, with special emphasis on underserved areas and populations including immigrants, residents who are non-English speaking or have limited English proficiency, rural residents, persons with disabilities, homeless individuals, and persons residing in areas with large In observance of Fair Housing Month and the 54th anniversary of the passage of the Fair Housing Act, the Housing, Education, and Economic Development, Inc. (HEED), a Mississippi Fair Housing Initiative Program (FHIP) participant, hosted its 33rd Annual Fair Housing and Fair Lending Conference on April 28 and 29, 2022. From 2009 to 2014 he was a producing branch manager at Waterstone Mortgage Corp. Steve originates reverse mortgages in Boise, Idaho and throughout the state, and is licensed in more than five other states. 2022 Housing Conference April 27, 2022 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm The Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc. (FHCRC) will host the 2022 Housing Conference on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 in honor of National Fair Housing Month. . Citi Drawing on their experience, the panelists will share their expertise in building inclusive collections; providing access to reliable information to communities with a broad range of needs and competencies; and, the central role of privacy in information systems and public education. On Sept. 15th, our Education and Outreach Specialists, Marlee Baker and Eliza Galaher, presented at the Multifamily NW Spectrum 2022 Conference Passport to Adventure. Government officials Strategies to eliminate the excessive costs of developing and building housing. Please view the schedule below and register for each workshop session individually. Other hotels nearby (No discounts negotiated): Academy Mortgage Corporation On stage introduction by sponsor for Morning Keynote-speaker, 3 5 minute on stage presentation during main sessions (opportunity to show a video which cannot exceed 2 minutes in length Provided by sponsor), Digital Signage of video loop during main sessions, Full page ad about your company in event program (content provided by sponsor), Double sized Event Booth in a Prime location, Acknowledgement as a VIP Sponsor during the Morning & Lunch Keynote sessions, On stage introduction by sponsor for Lunch Keynote-speaker, 1-3 minute presentation prior to speaker (opportunity to show a video which cannot exceed 1:minutes in length), High-visibility inclusion of logo during the Lunch Keynote Session, Half page ad about your company in event program, Event Booth near the Main Session Entrance, Acknowledgement as a Platinum Sponsor during the Main Morning Session, Quarter page ad about your company in the event program, Acknowledgement as a Gold Sponsor during Main Morning Session, Acknowledgement as a Copper Sponsor during the Main Morning Session.,, 2018 Conference: 50th Anniversary Guest Speakers and Panelist Power Point Presentations. When traveling from the north, at the end of the exit ramp turn left. (800) 743.8278, South Carolina Add-On: Fair Housing Compliance (FHC) Certification, South Carolina Add On: REAC/NSPIRE Preparation, SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference: South Carolina, Alabama / Mississippi Add On: Fair Housing Compliance (FHC) Certification: Mobile, AL, Alabama / Mississippi Add On: Basic HUD Occupancy, SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference: Alabama / Mississippi, Administrative Impact of REAC NSPIRE Webinar, Tools for Completing & Understanding Your AFHMP Webinar, The New NSPIRE Scoring and Standards Webinar, Fair Housing and Racial Justice in the 21st Century Webinar, Annual & Interim HUD Recertification Webinar, Cmo Documentar Correctamente Ingresos y Bienes Webinar, How Innovative, Upfront Verification Services Powered by Big Data Can Help You Save Time & Money Webinar, SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference: Florida, SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference: Kentucky, North Carolina Add-On: Accelerated Certified Professional of Occupancy (CPO) Certification, North Carolina Add-On: Maintenance Workshop, SAHMA Affordable Housing Conference: North Carolina. The 2022 Fort Worth Fair Housing and Civil Rights Conference will feature two training tracks: community participation, and fair housing and civil rights participation. For $250, become a Fair Housing Friend sponsor. Newsletter. Hyatt Regency Savannah is steps away from Savannah's downtown culture. Since then he has specialized in Treasury Management, Government Banking, and Municipal Finance. Keep up-to-date with the latest news and housing related activism. Registration coming soon Annual Meeting The 2022 Oklahoma Coalition for Affordable Housing Annual Meeting is tentatively set for Tuesday, November 15, the evening before the OHFA Board of Trustees Meeting. In addition, Mark launched effort to be the first national housing agency to accept eMortgages with a national eVault tech company. CDI Group of Companies (b) Prevention of intimidation in fair housing cases.Section 901 of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Proof of negative COVID-19 test prior to travel to conference must be uploaded prior to the event. Freddie Mac Read More. As Director of Programs, she provides support to the agencys Home Sharing and Self-Sufficiency programs. Orrick Andrs received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from California State University, Sacramento in 2014. August 22 - 23, 2022 | Boise Centre If you have questions about the conference, or would like to know more about the sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities, please email us. February 15-17, 2023 Conference BRAVOS FROM OUR PAST -BLUEPRINTS FOR OUR FUTURE Stay tuned for our developing Speaker line up! Part futurist, part economist, and always engaging, Rebecca is one of Americas most influential thought leaders, helping cities and companies develop a shared vision for what is next for fast-growing communities. This work shows how housing stability affects education success even for students whose families are not evicted. November 13, 2023 Affordable Housing Finance Live. We provide our members with lorem ipsum placeholder benefits summary. REALTOR Only CE Track Register Here. The presentation will include information about documents received by Department of Homeland Security, how to change address with immigration court and ICE, how to find local shelters, and information about housing access. October 18, 2023 AHIC 2023 Affordable Housing Summit. Overcoming challenges in the rental housing market. You can find out more about which cookies we are using or switch them off in settings. Please bring your strongest concerns, questions, and coffee. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Peter Kageyama, author of For the Love of Cities: The Love Affair Between People and Their Places, which was recognized by Planetizen as a top 10 book in urban planning, design, and development. Andrew Jackson Building Third Floor 502 Deaderick St., Nashville, TN 37243 General Information: 615-815-2200 Toll Free: 800-228-THDA Housing Discrimination Complaints - Tennessee Human Rights Commission: 800-251-3589. Linda Ballard: Linda is a certified HUD Housing Counselor and a HECM Counselor on the HUD roster. Throughout her career, she has overseen and monitored properties with a spectrum of funding such as project-based Section 8, LIHTC, HOME, and the USDA Rural Development (RD) program, including acquisition and rehabilitation as well as the certification and relocation of residents. This year's conference theme is Fair Housing: Making Every Zip Code an Opportunity. In early 2018, Maggie launched the non-profit, Charity Reimagined, which is dedicated to changing the paradigm for helping people in need from methods that sustain chronic dependency, to methods that build individual capacity. Linda also does pre-purchase counseling for new homeowners and post purchase counseling for existing mortgagors that need assisting understanding their current mortgages and other questions on their mortgages. Morgan DeCarl: Before coming to work for Jesse Tree she worked as a case manager for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and fell in love with social work and the impact it has on the quality of life of others as well as their communities. PHADA's 2022 Annual Convention & Exhibition is scheduled for May 19-22 at the Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk. The event includes keynote speakers, breakout sessions and draws in over 300 persons annually. What we now refer to as the Portland Metro area sits on traditional village sites of the Multnomah, Wasco, Cowlitz, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Molalla and many other tribes.. Sightline Institute and Oregon-based pro-housing group Portland: Neighbors Welcome are excited to host the rescheduled 2020 . Dr. Sherena Huntsman: Sherena is a dedicated instructor and technical communication researcher. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) and the Texas Apartment Association (TAA) will conduct an in-person Income Determination Training in Weslaco, Texas on Tuesday, March 28, 2023 at 9:00 a.m., Austin local time, at Weslaco Area Chamber-Commerce & Visitors Center, 275 S. Kansas Avenue, Weslaco, TX 78596.This program . Conference Agenda Sponsors About Connecticut's Affordable Housing Conference: Building Stability Partnership for Strong Communities (PSC) hosted the third annual Connecticut's Affordable Housing Conference (CAHC) virtually across November 14, 15 and 16, 2022. The majority of sessions will be recorded and . Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO). Zoe Ann Olson: Zoe Ann is the Executive Director of Intermountain Fair Housing Council, a position shes held for more than ten years. Search Speakers and Presenters The Housing Conference not only commemorates the accomplishments made in Fair Housing, it also brings together community nonprofits, government officials, lenders, builders, developers, policymakers, housing providers, Realtors and community leaders to discuss the future of housing in the Inland Empire. Dont miss this opportunity that only comes around once every two years. Her ongoing research focuses on the investigation of marginalizing power structures in digital information/instructional spaces. Idaho Central Credit Union Wednesday, November 30, 2022 9:00am - 4:30pm Conference Sessions 4:30pm Conference Ends Fair Housing regulations that affect HUD funded programs as well as Fair Housing trends. Over 200 housing advocates, providers, developers, policymakers, consumers, and others came together to learn about the latest fair housing updates and help build a more inclusive Connecticut. The majority of sessions will be recorded and can be accessed in our resource center after the conference has concluded. Welcome back to YIMBYtown! Presented by: Katherine Montas, Lawyers for Civil RightsMinority business owners were at the center of the Civil Rights movement and continue to be impactful leaders in todays effort for social justice. This nationwide homeownership initiative is led by the National Fair Housing Alliance. Fair Housing Friends will be recognized throughout the conference with your name and logo displayed on-screen before the opening remarks and during the breaks between each presentation. Learn what Todd has to say about Prosperity AheadOr Not? November 1, 2023 2023 OPTECH Conference & Expo. While currently working at data cloud storage company, Snowflake, Inc., she provides consultation, analysis and recommendations to the business regarding international and domestic assignments and relocations. With access to a vast network of partners she is able to work solo or team up to take on various sized projects including entitlements of workforce housing developments, housing and redevelopment financing and creating community oriented Actionable Housing Plans. She is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor with a masters degree in Counseling Psychology from Gonzaga University. Title company professionals Strategies to eliminate the excessive costs of developing and building housing. Moreno Valley Office: 1-951-653-8314 60th Anniversary of the West Virginia Human Rights Act & Fair Housing Month - April 27, 2021 *** HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM March 26-27, 2015 at Stonewall Resort. Dialogue will consist of how Civil Rights and Entrepreneurship are connected and why that matters today. Attend this free event and find . Advanced AMC Since joining Dominium in 2006, he has worked on the acquisition, renovation and/or construction of numerous apartment communities across the country adding more than 6,000 apartment units to the Dominium portfolio. Annie Bacci: Annie has over 15 years of professional experience creating supportive housing opportunities. NewWest Community Capital Panelists: H. John Fisher, Fair Housing Coordinator, Way Finders; Michelin Cahill, Community Legal Aid of MassachusettsWhen we speak of fair housing rights, we are drawing on an interplay of federal and state regulations that can vary in their specifics from state to state but still share a common purpose. Register Today Thursday, April 28, 2022 ABA Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law's 34th Annual National CLE Conference View Event Feb. 23. . Sherenas current research on accessibility incorporates an extensive inquiry into the accessibility motivations and practices of corporate workplaces including Dominos Inc. and the LEGO group.