:). No, it hasn't been confirmed (officially) and with the cancellation of the SGA film nor is it likely that it ever will be. Simply enter the password you found in the ebook and enjoy! Please consider turning it on! Instead of them saying I love you, why not show it? Promise! If you've got anything to suggest for the list, please post it here and I'll add it to this master list for ease of navigation. It was a physical reaction, she started to reason. Stargate: SG-1 . It is so overused, especially in fanfiction, and to me it is such a clich. The mission that went bad was actually not her first mission, since it happens 2 months later. Meeting strange new people wasnt unusual either for the Best Friends Squad. However, due to military regulations and his position as her senior officer, neither character ever acted on their feelings during the show's 10-season run, though there were plenty of storylines that hinted at their feelings. in the category Hurt/Comfort/Whump. pilot named Jack's plane is downed mid-flight by a similar explosion and the military refuses to provide a satisfactory explanation why. Posted by Kimberley Jackson | May 8, 2015 | Featured, Novels, Stargate SG-1 | 24 |, Stargate Aschen Title Image (Kimberley Jackson). I like long stories like this. Chapter 50 (Unabridged!) Then repeat. Have we ever seen a Stargate in the Ori galaxy or isn't there one at all? ;). There will possibly be a second part to this story at some point in the future. Politics warning plus minor mentions of religion early on. Together to the very end. . But could Carol Weterings' return from the grave be the herald for something far worse? So with Jack eventually leaving Stargate Command to take another post, is the way clear for romance? After breaking off her engagement to Pete, its the moment of truth for Samantha Carter and her feelings for Colonel ONeill. A scene from SGA: Trio that was cut for time constraints is available online for viewing. Fans looking for newStargatecontent can check out a recent reunion featuring different cast members reading aloud from an AI-written script. :) The next update is in the works. When Atlantis is getting ready to head back to the Pegasus Galaxy, General O'Neill decides to stack the odds in their favor. Work Search: Is it suspicious or odd to stand by the gate of a GA airport watching the planes? In the Stargate TV Series, what military awards does Jack O'Neill hold? Not to mention that he said in one episode (s9 I think??) I still have the second part (Jacks POV) of this story on my computer. The answers will follow Hathor finds a way to travel to different universes and kidnaps Mal. In this case, Dr. Samantha Carter comes through from an Earth recently conquered by the Goauld. On the eve of the signing of an historic alliance between Earth and the Tokra, one or both groups may have been infiltrated by a zatarc a Goauld-programmed assassin who doesnt even know he (or she) is working for the enemy. With their fates evidently sealed, Sam gives up the fight and plays into Jacks delusion that she is his former wife, Sarah. This is set right after the events of the Stargate SG-1 Season 8 episode "Threads". Do you want to see an acknowledgement of their relationship in the next movie? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Thanks for this fic, Im enjoying it very much. Awww great list! Jack and Sam are captured by 'The Master' who runs a huge 'Whore Ship' that is owned by 'The Slave Traders'. The little hitch in her breath gave her away, when he moved against her hard. ", He continues, "If there was a real relationship, they would be separated. He still wasnt moving again and it was then that she knew that the reason for her moan dawned on him. Kimberley Jackson is a 37-year-old author of fiction (erotic romance, romance, and science-fiction). Chapter 23 Death Knell: after being rescued from the Kull Warrior, Sam just needs a moment to catch her breath. @Richard: Why the downvote? :), Your email address will not be published. What Sam & Jack moments from other episodes stand out for you? Sam (antha) Carter, Air Force Major, starts a dangerous game of dominance and submission with her commanding officer. Stargate SG1:Archives. Years after the end of the Stargate series, the world knows of the Stargate system, they know something goes on in Cheyenne Mountain that isn't what they are told, and they know aliens are real. Note: Although this work borrows characters and concepts from the television show Stargate SG-1, this work stands on its own and is independent from the television show. Jack is a single father for 5 years. Red Sky in the Morning Shepherds warning. Kaladin and Syl are lost in a strange place, Roshar just lost one of their best surgebinders, Bridge Four is on the brink of starting a riot, and Earth has no idea what to do with Kaladin. Chapter 12 Women even could feel something akin to physical pleasure if they were raped so certainly the female body was capable of reacting to stimulation in less objectionable circumstances. The first handful of posts are reserved so I can expand the list if necessary. relationship would have been inappropriate for both and would only ), And as far as feelings Id even say if only Sam became aware of how she feels about him. Anbd thanks for reading it! He made sure to finish as quickly as possible and she simply endured. And he eats a whole lot of Fruit Loops. This is the first of a Mal/Zevon ship fanfic. Although, to be honest, Im not a fan of written sex scenes, so I just skipped them :) Ive read hundreds and hundreds of fan fiction and this definitely goes to my top 10! That and because of Daddy Immaru. I seem to remember reading about an interview saying they basically "got busy" after the season 8 finale, but now I'm struggling to find it. You write her excellently. The writers and actors deserve high praise for not giving in to those of us who wanted to see them together. The kiss in the groundhog day episode does demonstrate their love/tension even if they couldn't act on it in the main timeline. I really like this story. She most certainly did not enjoy being treated like a brood mare, and forced to have sex with her commanding officer in a semi-public place. Then her first mission which was supposed to be a piece of cake, turns bad, and Sam panicks in her first battle, but then saves them by finding out about the zat and using it. No civilization as far as the eye can see. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Im offering myself up to write a guide to Teyla Emmagan/Kate Heightmeyer its a story, a sad one, in 5 episodes. Chapter 30 Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/stargate/images/c/c5/, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022). Since the war, Harry has taken to exploring long-forgotten places as a chance to escape his extensive and unwanted fame. This will be a collection of stories--some long, some short, some drabbles--inspired by prompts found on spaces on a Jack/Sam Trope Bingo board on Twitter. Oh yes, it could definitely be worse. Please leave Stargate alone!! Chapter 41 (Unabridged!) Chapter 51. That would ruin the fun. How many times have you seen the prompt on one of the social media pages "How screwed are you if you wake up in the world of the last series you have watched? Die Tr wrde dann sanft von innen geffnet und Jack sah Sam in ihr Gesicht. Unfortunately, that led to a deletion of the story from the contest results.). A Daniel Vala C2 with quality fanfics, all recommended by the Daniel Vala thread at Gate World. Ill volunteer to do the Jack/Daniel one! And she keeps telling me that this story is not just for Stargate fans because it kinda creates its own mythology and explains everything. Es behandelt die Geschehnisse nach Kapitel 12 fr alle denen das letzte Kapitel nicht gefiel (spter Jack+Sam) Geschichte Liebesgeschichte / P18 / Het Also check out theStargate Aschen Timeline, which features a lot of background information on the Aschen universe (history, resistance, etc.) Chapter 13 The intense, lust filled fuck is recorded and it's vast popularity keeps them together. What happened between Carter and Martouf? Jack finally realizes that he has indeed fallen in love with his wife.. Now if only he knew how she felt about him, Well, we still have at least 10 chapters ahead of us in this story. Nothing even remotely pleasurable. That's hardly indicative of their normal feelings. Great idea! Chapter 28 She caught her lower lip in between her teeth. Until then, Im gonna read this one over and over an over again :-), Its not a long story, but Ill see if I can finish it next. Thank you, Im glad you like it so much!!! So Im glad other people think this is original. That being said, all of the cast and crew interview are operating on the principle that they did end up having a sexual relationship. Sam & Jack forever! Daniel is initially skeptical when resident university conspiracist, Fox Mulder, suggests the book is evidence of a century-old international cover-up for alien experimentation, but the deeper they dig, the truer his claims seem to be. But is the Pentagon ready for Danny? They play golf through an open Stargate. [beat] Somebody famous? Im so glad you like it. In attempting to help a dying man, Captain Carter is possessed by a symbiote who is much more than she seems and runs off. It took a moment until she was able to get up, her mind still preoccupied by what had just transpired between them. I always have taken when two of the main characters start having romantic relationships in a series which didn't start out that way as. I finished this story for the second time and I must to say it is still one of the best I have read. This is a fanfiction story inspired by "Think of England" by PepperF. So I wanted to do it differently in here. Thank you, Sir. For what? For being here for me. Always.. What shall happen is up to fate. Charlie shot himself in his bedroom in the family home in Winter Park, Colorado, and died later in the emergency room. Chapter 36(Unabridged!) Only a small percent of humans are so-called gifted ones, who are able to conceive/father children. Carter gets up the courage to drive to Jacks house, sits in her car for a while working up her nerve, and when she finally speaks with the man with whom shes been through so much ahhh, theres another woman. But as one loop draws toward its inevitable end, he decides to act on that forbidden love. His honor and integrity shine through when he stops himself even though everything inside him wants more. Thanks to Raven Clark for beta-ing this. So for a moment hes willing to have one of those quick, meaningless interludes with her. They wouldn't be allowed to be in the same unit so that we could never actually go there. O'Neill would lose his career, which is extremely important to him, especially with respect to the work he does in the Stargate program. So maybe youd be more comfortable reading that version? realize many wallpapers about Sam and Jack. Youve got Sam and Jack engaged in that timeline! :D, Anyway, Im really glad youre enjoying it, and I hope youll keep enjoying it til the end. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. Chapter 27 . :D Dont worry, still here I had a few busy days, and Im still working on the Aschen ebook, but the next update should be on later today. that he had to come back to sort out paper work for a number of things including the motorbike which we all know Sam rides, Metamorphosis: when Jack tells Sam to get some rest, she immediately leans into his shoulder. But despite having Atlantis land just outside San Francisco at random intervals, and space ships seen in the night sky, for some reason, the public just aren't as in on the program as they want, should be, or even reaping the right rewards from it. This first novel was written in September 2008 by LRH Balzer. The sequel is still on my mind. Carter: He's gonna retire soon, so who knows. Chapter 44 Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. Chapter 40 They carry multiple meanings, provoke thought and discussion, arouse desire and interest; they're like poems, only they kiss back. I've made another thread about. Then his thumb brushed over her cheek ever so tenderly. Anzeigen . story that ships them. And then he moved against her hard and fast as he was coming inside of her. Link your TV provider to stream movies, full episodes, and live TV. Absolutely. an uncommon sense - Sam keeps doing something very strange indeed. Ready to get your ship on? :) Im glad you like it so much. Chapter 16 This thread looks interesting. You have them clearly indicate that they want to have sex, then come up with a reason why they can't. AU-Just showing how oblivious Daniel can be when he wants to be. Click here to download this story as an ebook! Solitudes is where the Sam and Jack ship started for many fans (if you overlook an uncomfortable locker room kiss back in The Broca Divide). Whether it be with the entire team, one other . Wright's plans for his proposed newStargateserieswould see him not only bring back fan favorites like Sam specifically in her new role as general but also her science-minded colleague Daniel Jackson (Altered Carbon's Michael Shanks). Join SYFY Insider to get access to exclusive videos and interviews, breaking news, sweepstakes, and more. But I think, from the way she reacts to him now, and then her reactions in the coming chapters, itll become pretty clear that her feelings run a lot deeper than just a superficial crush. Please check out the authors website for more of her works. When Mac and Dean are kidnapped off a planet, how far will their friends go to get them back? I recommend book Stargate Aschen, free about 300 pages (I think?) His moves changed ever so slightly, slowing down, seemingly becoming more aware of her reactions. Chapter 48 which is not so typical. In honor of Richard Dean Anderson and Amanda Tappings appearance together at Wales Comic Con this past weekend, were rounding up 10 of the shippiest episodes of Stargate SG-1. She felt her own muscles contract uncontrollably for a moment, and turned her face against his temple to muffle a soft little sob of shame. Stargate SG-1 Repli!Carter/Jack Fanfiction.Rating: Explicit.A one-shot/drabble/ficlet as a response to a Twitter conversation regarding Jack and Repli!Carter. Well at least it makes a fitting end to our list. This is a gift to the amazing Caro! Keller: Show me a relationship that isn't. An AU scenario where instead of being driven off by Sam, Jack, Teal'c and their band of rebels, Hathor has taken control of the United States and has her sights set on making sure the other nations of Earth bow down before her. As she meets Jack ONeill, camp leader of resistance Cell 4, neither of them realizes they are bound together by more than the mutual goal to free Earth from Aschen reign. Chapter 3 Which is why she rationalizes what happened with Jack and tries to brush it off. :). Jack tells her to Cmere and puts his arm around her. Its okay. His hot, damp breath puffed against her skin, and she could hear the strain in his deep voice. Kimberley, you have officially hooked me. first Inkitt fanfiction novel writing contest, here is the link to the ebook-exclusive downloadable content, Stargate SG-1: Something Real (Romance/Character Study), Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival Jack (Dark Fic), Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival Sam (Dark Fic), Stargate SG-1: Beneath Perceived Realities (Episode Missing Scene), Stargate SG-1: Leather and Lace Series (BDSM, D/s) - UPDATED: 07.04.2017, Stargate SG-1: "Toys" (Leather and Lace Series XI), Stargate SG-1: "Normalcy" (Leather and Lace Series XIII). @Darren can this be turned into a series perhaps? Required fields are marked *. Im so glad you like it so much! Is he a Senator? hide bio. It's time for Atlantis to become a fully functioning city and take the fight to the Wraith. Here's a 9-episode viewer's guide for fans who always wanted Jack O'Neill and Samantha Carter to get together. Why didnt Your email address will not be published. Id be ok with it you know. Sam told him and stroked his cheek gently and earned herself an ambiguous and somewhat ambivalent look.No one could ever replace you Sam, not even someone almost entirely like you. He told her, his heart in his eyes.~Shai Ch 10.5 ~. Your email address will not be published. Create a free profile to get unlimited access to exclusive videos, sweepstakes, and more! Completed and in progress stories archived. And Goa'uld who were thought contained are unleashed. Sign up by providing an email address, and I'll keep you posted of all future story or chapter updates. Special thanks go to my editorCaz Merrettwho corrected the very first version of this story, as well as to my editorHana Lryov(Channach) who offersconstructive criticism and plot-betaesthe story. Jack on the other hand is a bit of a dark knight in this scene. Written to satisfy my gremlin brain :P Robot Jack has his revenge in more ways than one ;3 Enjoy my self indulge work XD (No beta we die like Goa'uld! You also created a solid eh.. base..environment.. background whats the right word.. sorry, I dont know, hope you understand what I mean.. characters were familiar, setting completely new. Question: whos gonna write the John Sheppard/Elizabeth Weir version? Sowheres this sequel you promised? The Colonels leg is broken. take it from there. Crazy, mad, passionate love. Why? What are the main differences between the original Stargate SG-1 and the Final Cut edition? :*. Jack lets her stay at the Colorado house, he's in DC but refuses to see her or the baby. Its okay. In the year 799 (Aschen calender), Earth is a colony under strict reign by an oppressive Aschen government. In the year 799 (Aschen calender), Earth is a colony under strict reign by an oppressive Aschen government. Her body shouldnt respond to this she shouldnt, Another thrust another soft gasp from her. Best Alternate Each story will be added to this piece as a chapter, so if you'd like to follow along, be sure to hit the 'subscribe' tab! It would be boring if it was a happy end already :D But dont worry. Castle has really fallen off this last season. It would have been wrong to claim that she completely despised the act or despised him for it. A teenage Thor assist the team as he also must keep Loki out of trouble. :D, Your email address will not be published. :). Whatever. By the way: That knowing look that he gives her at the start of the next loop? Yet locked within the SGC, Samantha Carter and her retinue still refuse to be part of any Goa'uld's empire. Best Action/Adventure *hugs* Apparently the alien spiders is what a lot of people remember. Required fields are marked *. Jack and Sam thinking of the ways they show each other that they are loved. A. Maybe someday. Its okay His voice was deep and low. "Bring in a new guard? This is NOT a rape story but there is one paragraph in there, which, as my beta Channach pointed out, might disturb people or work as a trigger. Sam tells it like it is and helps her friends to finally get together. In many ways, Stargate Aschen is a coming-of-age story for Sam, especially if you keep in mind that in their universe turning 25 is the equivalent of turning 18 in our societies. I decided against creating an official ebook version with the sex cut out, because the sex almost always serves some kind of character development or relationship development. reasons. Did any SG teams ever get immediately targeted and attacked when they just strolled into an offworld town while covered in weapons? Chapter 47 This is my humble attempt at a reboot that keeps the spirit of the original show and film while adding some more depth and modern finishes. :) Ive loved this story so much, it has cheered me up on so many rotten days and tormented me with cliff hangers and freaked me out with alien spiders, Its been great and I am very sorry to see it go! Sams comment about being not exactly single, her password being fishing, having a pic of Sam and Jack fishing in her Atlantis office and another individual picture of Jack in her private quarters, plus of course, the deleted scene from Trio which pretty much confirms that they are in a relationship! I was recently introduced to Theta Team and this is the result XD. Its one of the greatest love stories never quite told. This should be fun! Amazon's acquisition of MGM may have caused a delay in terms of a long-rumoredStargaterevival, but that doesn't compare to how longtime fans of the original series,StargateSG-1, have waited to see if the romance between then-Captain Samantha Carter and Colonel Jack O'Neill (played byTravelers'Amanda Tapping and MacGyver's Richard Dean Anderson)will be confirmed on-screen. That picture is from the episode where Jack and Teal'c had their Groundhog Day. WATCH LIST: Will they or won't they? -, , , . But what he found in the depths of Glastonbury Tor will change not only his own life, but the future of all. Daniel Jackson/Janet Fraiser? It created a great tension through a lot of the series. So be warned!!! Thats the beauty of literature. She kept telling me how much she wanted to read a sequel, so I wrote one for her. Youre right, theres so much out there that has been done already, especially in the realm of shippy stories. I liked the subtlety of it. One of those Oh I love you so much I love you too.) That's why I didn't put it as an answer. Suspected of being a brainwashed by the Goauld, Jack and Sam both have to admit that they care about one another a lot more than theyre supposed to. Hopefully the beginning for a series. Follow. You can sign up for a membership here. Not with him. Chapter 17 Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. It was mere survival until they found a way to escape. Its not for an invisible Jack loitering in the womens locker room. Hello all! Shed watched a couple of episodes here and there. Im still floored by the amount of love this story has been receiving from the fanfom. I like it how she collected herself after what almost happened between her and Jack and is ready to focus on science and missions. SG1's Producer (Joseph Malozzi) had this to offer on his blog in 2008; "But what about SG-1?" some of you will (and have) asked. So when she finally gives in to Jack, she knows its more than just lust and need. Theres also an abbreviated version of the story on fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own, where most of the sex scenes are missing. Even Sam buying Frooties in Continuum points to their relationship. Its well written and its a unique idea or I guess you could say a new take on an episode and thats hard to do when it seems like so much has already been done. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video, Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. Romance may have never played a big part on Stargate SG-1, but the Sam-Jack Shippers have always been a vocal part of fandom. Hes willing to let Sam (the woman hes falling in love with) go in order to keep the promise he made to an unknown woman. . In the end, it turns out that Jack wouldn't leave Carter behind to die (or to somehow later escape on her own) because "he cared for her far more than is appropriate [for his position]", and he lied for that reason. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Chapter 22 It was often hinted that they both had romantic feelings for each other, but was it ever confirmed if they actually got together? This third season episode isnt important to shippers so much for what happens between Jack and Sam as it is for what happens when the two are apart. by | Jun 3, 2022 | alio employee portal kcps | spring awakening 2022 | Jun 3, 2022 | alio employee portal kcps | spring awakening 2022 Chapter 14 Please do not download from their site again, as you are supporting theft and piracy of creative works. Chapter 8 I thought that was a great idea so I've made the new subheading and added your fics. Welcome to Jack/Sam Shippy Bingo! given that he was her commanding officer. And why not create this typical first dating insecurity: Does she like me as much as I like her? In the Groundhog Day episode, Jack hands in his resignation one day and immediately and passionately kisses Sam. Unwilling to accept a forced marriage and life in a breeding facility under Aschen control, she runs away from home to find the resistance and fight for the freedom of Earth as well as her own. Neither of them was keen on spectators and the dim twilight of the shadowy corner at least provided them with an illusion of privacy. Chapter 35 @radhil - Sexual tension is a lot easier to write. Heck, you could even tell in the Stargate movie when they went to the ceremony to remove the last Ball Gould clone man, that there was nothing between them except friendship and mutual respect for each other. An 'Entity' episode addition. I can tell, there is definitely some angst coming!!!! All times are GMT-8. Favorite: Joined 05-31-04, id: 599721, . Chapter 42 And please congratulate her! That was new for both. Why do small African island nations perform better than African continental nations, considering democracy and human development? Thanks to the knowledge of the Goa'uld, Daniel gained power over the whole world, now he only needs to get Jack.Based on the episode "Absolute Power". Her world is devastated by the Ori. An unknown enemy emerges from the shadows. So an older man, eh? She didnt even realize how one of her hands moved from the small of his back to his neck, her fingers brushing through the short unruly hair that they found there. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. An They were so good at this. Please consider turning it on! Well, two We already have two volunteers for the next chapters. I only made this because I haven't seen any recent works involving him. Stargate SG-1: Double Dealing (Replicarter/Jack), COSMOS A Spacetime Odyssey (starring Neil deGrasse Tyson), Stargate SG-1: Beneath Perceived Realities (Episode - Missing Scene). Possible rape trigger! Seriously--that's what this is. "There was a line in the military, and there still is, where it would be completely inappropriate for there to be any real relationship. The gate is buried, and Jack is stranded on the planet for more than three months.