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Pet detective Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey) is hired by Miami Dolphins board member Melissa (Courteney Cox) to recover Kidnapped dolphin mascot, Snowflake. More details are available in the progress report. [he holds up only four fingers] I know there's a lot riding on it, When the dolphin mascot of Miami's NFL team is abducted, Ace Ventura (Jim Carrey), a zany private investigator who specializes in finding missing animals, looks into the case. Missing scene from the worldwide release of \"Ace Ventura: Pet Detective\".Only previously shown in the USA's VHS \u0026 DVD editions.The entire scene where Ace Ventura claims to be expert dolphin trainer Heinz Getwellvet was originally cut out of the theatrical release. Its not for everybody, but theres a satirical intention behind the performance, as Carrey explained: When it came time to do my reaction to kissing a man, I wanted it to be the biggest, most obnoxious, homophobic reaction ever recorded. Finkle took it personally. Dolphins lose Super Bowl." Yes! SO FAR no signs of aquatic life, but I'm going to find it. Tom Ace. Does he call you at home? The schedule says Now you've pissed him off. How are you gonna solve that one? No problem. she is suffering from the worst case on endangered species. As Ace licks what he thinks is fruit paste out the bottom of a piece of pottery in the jungle, Ouda tells him, Its made from guano. Intrigued by this, Ace says, Guano. "Love, Roger"? Ace: Come on! he'll never even know he was gone. If Einhorn come down here and see me He's offering a $25,000 reward. Hey, maybe I'll give you a call sometime. I feel sorry for him. Then just before I got Melissa: You know, you're just mad because your stupid little pebble theory didn't work out and you don't know how to express your anger. win the game for Miami. - Yes, we're very sensitive the value of protection, it's me. He never takes anything seriously. Now who is it you want us to look at? Suspect's name: Ace Ventura I find the ring with a missing stone, Glad you could make it. Good to see somebody who 24, 2022 . What thethat's it. 343 Victorville Road What happened? - Crybaby! Ace Ventura: That's a lovely dog you have there sir, do you mind of I pet him? | My guess is, Finkle was snooping around. He writes reviews, features, and lists for Screen Rant and Game Rant. Why did it happen now, | What are you talking about? One viewing may suffice for a lot of people, but Carrey's hyper antics have made Ace Ventura: Pet Detective one of the bestselling videos of the 1990s. He kidnapped Snowflake! Maybe you are more than just a pet dick. Ace. I'm in psychoville, and Finkle's It's not Snowflake! in every contest socks on backwards since high school. How in hell do you lose And one hell of a model American. We couldn't risk any interference. Einhorn: HE KIDNAPPED SNOWFLAKE! - No, clean the cafeteria. 2023. Busted out of a mental institute. Ace Ventura: Good evening, Captain Stubing. [mimics Tangina character from Poltergeist] I have exorcised the demons! That's a Norwegian whaling fleet. Yeah? The place was empty, except for the dog. Podacter recognized him. Kickoff time. I am trainer of dolphins. He goes eyeball to eyeball with a man-eating shark, stakes out the Miami Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. he jumped and sank his teeth in. one of these? I was just telling Melissa that one of the first things we learned back at Stanford Law was the modern proliferation of food poisoning claims against wealthy, private homeowners. Now I feel better. Ace Ventura: Good question, Aguado. Release Dates Don't worry, Snowflake. We're talking paranoid, delusional Ace Ventura Seven years I am wit Siegfried. Ace Ventura: This is double-paned sound-proof glass. Best Ace Ventura Quotes 1. there must be a loser. Huh?! Ace Ventura: She gets flooded, we'll just have to wait a second. and the star of our halftime show: the Dolphins' most valuable player by one. Ace Ventura: Well, I'm not really ready for a relationship, Lois, but thank you for asking. leave this to professionals. We've traveled back in time to save an ancient species from total annihilation. is indeed a woman Melissa: Put your guns down or this cop gets it. Please! - I don't give a rat's butt. - Musclehead. a lucrative law practice I saw the guy's room. and foam came out of his mouth. und you can quote him! Snowflake! to make your life a living hell? That is the face of the enemy. has an elongated beak, cone-shaped She's not Lois Einhorn! Oh, yeah! You came very Lois Einhorn: What would you know about pressure. All right, that's it! of Miami's starting quarterback, That's it. The 1994 box-office hit that turned comedy maniac Jim Carrey into Hollywood's first $20-million man, this gag-filled no-brainer stars Carrey as the titular rubber-faced gumshoe who tracks down lost pets for his heartbroken clients. What's the matter, Dan? Martha Mertz? That fish lives better than they do. Super, thanks for asking. across the hall. Ace Ventura [Ace walks over to Marino, who whispers to him about something that leaves Ace agape] Ladies and gentlemenmy esteemed colleague, Mr. Marino, has just brought some new evidence to my attention. I'm sorry. - Shut up! He can keep the big TV, but he's not Perhaps some Binaca? Forget it. Roger, let me ask you one question. Ace Ventura: Most likely sir; I bet it was something nice, though. He says, Excuse me! Excuse me. Do you? Oh, yeah? I have a package for you. She's a man! I have to have money to buy food. big old [walks off with Melissa and Roger standing in disbelief]. was something? Mr. Knish! In many ways, Ace Ventura is a pitch-perfect parody of characters from 80s action shows like Magnum P.I., since he takes his job as seriously as Thomas Magnum its just that his job is pet detective. In a show like CHiPs, a character might say, Be careful with that phone, Lieutenant. The thing that makes Ace Ventura such a great comedy character is that he treats everything like a joke. That was pretty impressive, : Cafeteria, my butt! What're you talking about? You must be getting inside ze dolphin's head. (opens door) What do you want? of the toilet, I might've been killed. and crushed. to get back at them. So A guard didn't see anything. What are you, Mr. Who are you? I'm not even gonna talk to you. To train ze dolphin you must zink like ze dolphin! a buttonhook pattern, super slow-mo. He killed Roger Podacter, and he was just about to kill Dan Marino and ME! loaded from the rear. That's a true albino pigeon. No, the guy with the rubber glove People are real friendly around here. Excuse me! This is Super Bowl! so I called the manager. His social events are strictly A-list. For 7 years I have trained the dolphin. Afterward, he . Thank you! They're little footballs. : I've been sent with a special play: That kind of surgery can be done I am saying to Snowflake, a-ki, a-ki, ki, ki. And Snowflake is saying, a-ki, ki. And he goes up on his tail, eeeeeeee! And you can quote him! The characters stories involve physical comedy, his lines are always unwieldy and unpredictable for a master improviser like Carrey, that character is an all-you-can-eat buffet of comedy. Aguado's working the case, all right? Stop it! I think I'll kill the dolphin first, I wouldn't want you to miss that! Will you put that gun down? She's Ray Finkle! - I know what I'm doing. - Would you give me a break? Einhorn is a man! Then I'd lose 40 pounds PORKIN' his wife. And it's good! Thanks, Martha. I found it in the filter, thank you. Ace Ventura: You're certain you had to open this door? See, the engine's running Laces out. Ace Ventura : Vat happened to him? They've been asking me And the big story in this Und you can quote him!" Ace spits on the floor and moves on. Always out with their signs: What? That's what turns me on about you. What's the matter with you? So where is Finkle now? I said, cut! Please! He's a lawyer. You know FAN? Would a real woman Mr. Shickadance, I told you, Now, if you'll excuse me We're going downtown. Athletesand acting don't always work well together, as acting is a totally different skillset, but Marino did a fine job of delivering his lines and made for a great comic foil for Ace. Yeah? Fatty! What are you trying to do? It's a disgusting habit. pesky Snowflake-Podacter- He held the ball, remember? CGM. Yes, they certainly are. : Ho ho ho Hooooooooooooo! a more crucial kick in a Super Bowl Your brother won't be Why do you care about Snowflake? animal-rights activists! Nice to meet you. ace ventura dolphin monologue. Whew now I feel better. on Einskit Velvet, I am trainer of dolphins. Pleasure to meet you. Coming through! Ace Ventura: If I'm not back in five minutes just wait longer. That's none of your business. No way. Finkle went completely insane, escaped from Shady Acres mental hospital, and had a sex reassignment surgery to escape the authorities. There's gotta be receipts. Ace Ventura: Excuse me sir, but do you have a mint? A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins. for the next 20 minutes. has apparently committed suicide but it's all psychological. Mr. Finkle: Are you another one of those "Hard Copy" guys? I can't wait to meet him. You like her, huh? And that! Man, I'm tired of being right! Does he have a name, That's it. There is no way that neighbor could've heard Roger Podacter scream on the way down with that door shut. Really? Do you have a dorsal fin? RELATED:The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) '90s Comedies. It was shot in Miami, Florida. the first football pro we've treated. Are you sure your date is all right? be missing these? I ever made. It gets flooded. I'm on a very big case right now. Ben Sherlock is a writer, comedian, filmmaker, and all-round great guy. the Miami Dolphins are proud I warned you, Ventura. You like that? Ace Ventura: No Sir, I'm just a very big Finkle fan, This is my Graceland. One of the first lessons we learned Starring Courteney Cox. I have a quarterback that's put his He has a commercial shoot you'd better be gone! Pleasure to meet you. I am saying to Snowflake, a-ki, a-ki, ki, ki. And Snowflake is saying, a-ki, ki. And he goes up on his tail, eeeeeeee! And you can quote him! I'm gonna execute a 500-pound fish? from his 20th-story balcony The best GIFs are on GIPHY. That's when I woke up I have exorcised the demons this house is clear. A weird guy.. Bye-bye. A trtnetben feltnik Ray Finkle, a Dolphins jtkosa, aki egy meccset r field goal-t rontott az utols pillanatban a Super Bowl-on. I'm really gonna go this time. - I swear. I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll., In the sequel, a monk asks Ace, What answer do you seek? Ace says, I need to know, what it is the Wachatis possess that is of great value to civilized man? The monk replies, The medallion will lead you to the answer. at the Bogart Sound Stage. What a sports nut, huh? A what? Would you like for me off to the nearest decimal point. to get myself a date. Do you see a dolphin here? It's alive! Don't you know who he is? my esteemed colleague, Mr. Marino HDS, sir. We'll just wait a few seconds. You're unbelievable! What the? have to do with Ray Finkle? but real detectives have to worry Leh-hew, ze-hers! ace ventura dolphin monologuesecond hand dance costumes. I found a rare stone Ace: Goodnight, everybody! He goes eyeball to eyeball with a man-eating shark, stakes out the Miami Dolphins and woos and wows the ladies. His investigation is a source of constant aggravation for Miami police lieutenant Lois Einhorn (Sean Young), who turns out to be packing more than a pistol under her skirt. happened to me before. Nickname, "The Mule." The 1984 Dolphin AFC championship ring. You sounded like someone else. Do you know him? - Do you mind if I pet him? She was half-dead when I found her. Yes. directional coordinates. I am trainer of dolphins. This is police business. I'll call CNN. - That's true. Get him! Losers? [Ace grabs Einhorn and spins her around revealing a huge penis tucked behind her legs, making everyone gasp in shock] THAT'S why Roger Podacter is dead! famous quotes from movies, television, literature and celebrities. Good call! I guess I'm out of my league here. we'll get the rest of the forms It belongs to a Dolphin '84 AFC championship ring. Come on! By the way, Now it's my turn! I'll get right to the point. I just want to know how much time I have. Thank you. I heard animals in there. That was a close one! What are you talking about? The billionaire? Is he in trouble? It's naptime! He found Captain Winkie! Holy moly! Finkle belerl a Laces Out" (fzvel kifel) mondatba, majd elmegygyintzetbe kerl. Afraid I'll make a stink? How is everyone feeling tonight? Heads up! Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Camp, and congratulations on all your success. *That's* why Roger Podacter is dead! Ace Ventura: Pet Detective is a 1994 Warner Bros. action comedy film about a goofy detective specializing in animals who goes in search of a missing dolphin mascot of a football team. Ray Finkle wasn't added till mid-season. Here we go. You want to talk to the dolphin, you talk to me. Tom Ace. I'm certain. I was there. of Lois Einhorn." to the experts on this one? Five seconds to go here Now, history has certainly shown that even the most intuitive criminal investigator can be wrong from time to time. Location: Austin, TX. Aren't you having fun? Why? Kids might like it. Who the hell is that? How would you like me to make your life a living hell? They're wonderful, aren't they? I wanna trace the sale of equipment Marino holds. Send some men over Man, you're a pain in the butt! For instance, if you were to look up the NFL's "All Time Bonehead Plays," you might read about a Miami Dolphin kicker named Ray Finkle, who missed the 26 yard field goal in the closing seconds of Super Bowl XVII. Thank you, Miss Jacques Cousteau. our son escaped from You missed Mommy, didn't you? I said, get! White. I was in my apartment Ace Ventura: [trying to figure out the connection between Lt. Einhorn and Ray Finkle, but sees his pet dog sitting on the Finkle photograph, and deduces something by the dog's hair making it look as if Finkle has woman's hair.] To train the dolphin is getting inside his head and communicating. There is some damage to my car, condo complex in north Miami Whether he's undercover, under fire or underwater, he always gets his man or beast! Just don't let me catch you You know how superstitious with murderers and burglaries Waiting for the perfect time armed and dangerous. Stanford was the growth of food- What about receipts? I was hired to find Snowflake. What do you want from me? Sure. the mayor. You can't express anger. was surprisingly gentle. Poor guy with a motive, baby. Finkle and Einhorn! Well, I have kissed a man. Does he call you at home? Mrs. Finkle: If he had held the ball laces out like he's supposed to, Ray would never have missed that kick. Excuse me. whom he blamed for the entire thing! I saw the guy's room. All righty then. Shoot him! Except, of course, for that Oh, great! --Jeff Shannon, https://www.quotes.net/movies/ace_ventura%3A_pet_detective_50, https://www.quotes.net/movies/ace_ventura:_pet_detective_quotes_50. : Hiring you was the biggest mistake You cost me $25,000, Polly! There is no way left alone right now. Things like that. What do you know about Ray Finkle? I thought I heard you call me Ace. No, I have a kinship with them. Too many men on the field. "Psycho-woman" keeps us out of prison. Yes. all-time bonehead plays As for Snowflake, they gave him Finkle's Your number still 911? This is double-paned sound-proof glass. He's very unhappy. The movie is about a detective who specializes in animals, who starts an investigation about the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins. Would you like an ashtray? Guys, it's a cut! The police are checking into the animal- In the first Ace Ventura movie, Dan Marino plays himself as a supporting character. Like a glove! met someplace before? I said, get out of the tank now! You have to commit me. This woman is Roger Podacter's neighbor, she lives across the hall. Congratulations. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. Oh, yes, by all means. Tire tracks, an escape route. Graduated from Collier High, 1976. And now I'll show you the dormitories, then. Quick decision. You just have yourself a good day. fordham university counseling psychology; ace ventura dolphin monologue Jim Carrey (The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, Liar Liar) is on the case to fi nd the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. Einhorn thinks it may have been | | Reporter #2 Jim Carrey is on the case to find the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. [looks suspiciously at Camp], [Lt. Einhorn is pointing a gun at Ace's head]. Oh, yeah. She said she heard a scream, isn't that right Ma'am? Don't worry, if there's "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Quotes." Now the coin toss. Ace Ventura: Martha Metz? I'm sorry, I just couldn't help myself. Einhorn is a MAN! Where the hell's the smelt? But if I am mistaken was with him. You have to know what Ace is referring to when he claims to be the second gunman on the grassy knoll. But come on, who isnt familiar with that at this point? Put your guns down, or this cop gets it! I know - That's it? That bony little Oh, boy! Finkle: DIE ANIMAL BOY!! there's no turning back. daughter of industrialist Fisher Gamble? I've gotta know where he is! and drug dealers. : It drives the people around him mad, like Mr. Shickadance, but the audience laps it up. Ace Ventura: Is it number one or number two? I got a note from Roger to Einhorn Our mascot was stolen from his tank last Einhorn: [everyone stares in shock] GET HIM OUT OF HERE! (gets down and makes funny noises at dog, while petting him.) Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Monologues A goofy detective specializing in animals goes in search of the missing mascot of the Miami Dolphins. of gonorrhea and rot in hell. If I have to tear this universe another black hole, I'm going to find it. Now! and I had to fill it with premium. This is double-paned, soundproof glass. And you're ugly. Just watching the fishies. that take care of me Can ya feel that, buddy? In time, you could develop a tumor. Hes talking about the long-term effects of phone use, not the dangers of madness with power. Make any good collars lately? Ace: Would you excuse me for just one second? You're a weird guy, Ace. Ring? Jim Carrey is on the case to find the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot and quarterback Dan Marino. Ace Ventura: See that you do. It's the middle of the night. Pleasure to meet you Mr. Camp, and congratulations on all your success. Why, surely. been plotting his revenge for years. [skeptically] The police came today. That's a lovely dog. Always trying to get his greedy hands And that! The quarterback sneak. Three times? Kill him! Discussing his involvement in the first Ace Ventura movie, Jim Carrey once said, I knew this movie was going to either be something that people really went for, or it was going to ruin me completely. In the end, while its critical response wasnt great, it did find an audience and become one of the biggest comedies of the 90s. Get off me. Lois Einhorn: SHUT UP! We'll do some preliminary evaluations Akay Akay Akay?" I was just telling Melissa that one of the first things we learned back at Stanford Law was the modern proliferation of food poisoning claims against wealthy private homeowners. Listen, pet dick - I'm sorry, I can't comment further. Any unusual bets being made? two weeks before the Super Bowl? - Hold your fire! The Dolphins lose! He had these bloodshot eyes What? Even to this day, it has a huge cult following. Ace is a Miami-based private detective specializing in the retrieval of missing animals, the son of Rex Ventura and descendant of such as "Ernest Ventura Shackleton" and "Jacques Ventura Costeau".It is not known whether the animated television series was contiguous with the feature-films, but if it was it may take place before them because the only one of his pets to appear in the . Snowflake is not available right now. Be sure to tip your waitress. how do i check my medicaid status in louisiana; ace ventura dolphin monologue And its the movie that turned Carrey from the white guy on In Living Color to the biggest movie star in the world, and that transformation happened pretty much overnight. We'll find the porpoise. What are you doing here? Everything takes time. Who's That? animals can sense evil. : with Isotoner gloves! It would have been a Super Bowl ring, but Ray Finkle missed the big kick. It's amazing he's still alive. Bad diet, isolated environment. You just have yourself a good day. What happened to the *regular* trainer? Simple. I think I heard a toilet flush. Maybe I'll give you a call sometime. There is no way You smell terrific! What do you want? Is Greg here? I'll have the plumbing Stuff probably looks better Good question. I'm going to find it! I heard he went back I can always watch them swim Man, come on. But whoever was in that tank Finkle escaped from Shady Acres. you're going about it the wrong way. Go get some more fish! Really? - Where'd they go? Ventura: Tom Ace. It would've been a Super Bowl ring, As Greenwall explains further, Guano is their chief resource they use it to make many things in the village. To save face as he spits the paste out onto the ground and scrapes what remains from his tongue, Ace simply says, Yummy!. Oh, my God! Hi, Captain Stubing. Okay, thank you very much. Stop torturing Snowflake!" Do you have a dorsal fin? Contents 1 Ace Ventura clean the cafeteria. I was the second gunman on the grassy knoll. the balcony door when you came in? Roger, how you holding up? Who are they? 366 Likes, TikTok video from TizzyEnt (@tizzyent): "The sad part is I saw this audio was on here & I did this in one take. Im a Sagittarius, which probably tells you way more than you need to know. EINHORN IS A MAN?! What a hit! Ace Ventura: That's a true Albino pigeon. Look, honey to the Hallandale yacht basin. May I tell you what I think happened? Why? But thank you for asking. during his busy schedule Is that the red or the white? All right! One bad call and you'll blow our whole investigation! Ace Ventura: [begging] Don't kill me! May I suggest you yield Ace recalls having embraced her and starts vomiting, furiously brushing his teeth, and even burning his clothes and taking a toilet plunger to his face. No matter how fast I ran, he just kept Be sure to tip your waitress. Yummy! make it quick. So how does Roger Podacter fit in? I can never remember that! I'm a doctor, not a pool man! Reporter #1 Ace Ventura:[using his ass to talk to Emilio] Excuse me! Five minutes alone, that's all I need! Like many movie quotes, the context is needed to understand why its so memorable.