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We all appreciate it. New guidelines from 2015 are in accord with your doctors recommendations about vigorous exercise as well as periodic imaging to measure the aorta. Surgeon Q&A: What is TAVR Valve-in-Valve? The star's mother, Rita Owens, was diagnosed with heart failure after passing out while teaching art at a New Jersey high school in 2004. Now at 33 years of age the valve is 23 years old and has served me very well. For most athletes with only mild enlargement of the aorta and no problems with the aortic valve, there should be no activity restrictions. And my wife is screaming at me every time I try to exercise :)). I am a competitive cyclist, neither the Cardio or my Doctor said I should not be racing bikes anymore, does that sound reasonable to you, my doc did say to monitor the aortic root size yearly. ANYTHING other than walking and golf? Replacement? Males are affected 3:1 compared to females. For athletes who return to sport after AVR and aortic replacement, its important to settle on whats safe with your doctor(s) ahead of time. Athletes will ask when they can return to their sports. Star Jones. Is there anything we can do? Although the vast majority in each group (97%) underwent TAVI via the transfemoral approach, bicuspid patients were less likely to receive conscious sedation (57% vs 62%) and more likely to be treated with the largest 29-mm valve size . That is to say, I did up until two months ago. When he was 7 we noticed his heart racing at age 11 his bicuspid aortic valve was diagnosed We have been told his valve is at the top of the normal size chart. 3. My performance as a cyclistgiven my ageputs me in the elite category, although with the stenosis I am experiencing a definite decline in performance. Likewise, if I did a 60kg bench press I could easier than say an 18 year old girl started at the gym tried that, they would have to strain beyond belief. I too would be interested in talking off-line about what I have experienced or finding docs who have studied more extensively at fine-tuning high performance engines. Also I lift weights . Bicuspid valves are quite common (1-2 percent of the population). Enlarged ascending aorta 42-43 mm The procedure was performed at the Cleveland Clinic. May 10, 2010, 4:50 PM. In addition to being patients, there are many celebrities who, like you, parent a child with CHD as well. When the aorta is enlarged in the setting of BAV, there are a couple possibilities: the valve needs to be replacedor it doesnt: Valve repair. Im a 30 yr old male, training 5 times a week rowing and strength training. I am healthy, strong, and active. these conditions occur mostly during my exercises at the gym and Im left very lightheaded and shortness of breathe. I would pose these questions to your doctor(s) since they are most familiar with the details of your situation. ODonnell, now 54, said her heart attack began after she helped an enormous woman struggling to get out of her car in a parking lot. Ive a BAV with the fusion being between my right coronary and non-coronary leaflets. Im 52 years old and had surgery 2.5 years ago to repair an ascending aortic aneurysm (5.8 cm) and aortic tissue valve replacement. My father has struggled with heart disease since he was 50, and I lost him [in 2008].. I am an having trouble seeing the difference in the ross procedure and the bioprospthetic valve replacement as far as benefits go? Nwankwo Kanu (@papilokanu), the Olympic Gold Medalist (Soccer) suffered from Aortic Valve Defect. Most patients spend about a week in the hospital after operation and then are able to go home. diagnosed wid BAV AND AS WITH AR It would be great to know what happens to groups of patients after AVR and aortic replacement that have returned to their various sports. my age is 20 right now Danny. A few hours after helping the woman, she began to experience chest aches, soreness in both arms, nausea and clammy skin. Enlarged lv 37/58 mm rf 65 fs 36 Ive got my results from my recent echo and a lot of normals on there but main things were regurgitation and stenosis were mild with the aorta measuring about 33mm. Very much appreciate this site, thanks Larry for giving people like us a place to voice our concerns ! If the valve does not close completely, blood can leak into the heart. I have no symptoms that I would notice, e.g. Aortic valve replacement is recommended for nearly all patients with severe valve stenosis (valve opening less than 1.0 cm2), Aortic valve replacement is recommended for patients with severe valve regurgitation if there are symptoms due to the regurgitation (eg, shortness of breath with exertion) or evidence that the heart is suffering because of the regurgitation (enlargement of the left ventricle), Repair or replacement of the beginning portion of the aorta is recommended if there is enlargement of the aorta to greater than 5.0 cm. Im not looking forward competitions nor marathons. More difficult questions relate to what are acceptable sports/exercise if operation is not (yet) needed. But like a lot of women, I thought that heart disease was an old white guys disease," the former talk show, 56, host tells PEOPLE. Like you point out, its always wise to be vigilant after surgery for things that might be amiss.and get checked out. The lines are the edges of the valve leaflets that open and close to let blood through. Here is a link to a diagram that categorizes sports according to their dynamic and static components: In the process of how I had the slow waltz with MG UNTIL DIAGnosed, will be ready in 3 weeks. Throughout the years he has played football and basketball. Bicuspid aortic value ppg 24 mmhg The flaps are called cusps. Last echo measurements LDid 6.3cm z-score 2.4, LVIDs 4.1 cm z-score 2.0, LVPWd 1.2cm z-score 1.9, asc aorta Diam 4.0 cm z-score 5.8. Interesting situation Sean Miller. A bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is an aortic valve that has only two leaflets instead of three. Another possibility that you havent mentioned deserves some discussion with your sons doctor(s) or surgeon. I certainly know runners, cyclists, and triathletes in that circumstance who are active and doing well. They may also disrupt the normal flow of blood through the heart. Hey is a frustrated guy. Do you recommend any particular diet, exercise, vitamins,etc.? Your email address will not be published. In patients needing valve replacement because of stenosis or regurgitation, the aorta should be repaired or replaced if the aortic diameter exceeds 4.5 cm. what recommend me? My Dr is almost certain that these symptoms are caused by issues that are not cardiac related, and that with at the stage my BAVD is at, it would not produce symptoms. No aneurysm. We just saw them in January. I like to thank you in advance for reviewing my question and also, thank you for such a great blog. I got Edwards magna perimount 25mm bovine AV and Valsava graft for aortic root replacement. My problem is with cardiologists stating do not lift anything over 50lbs. She was originally under the impression she felt the way she did simply because she was exhausted. Thus far shes had only minor bruising (shes 6ft and has a solid build). Everyones symptoms are different but I felt compelled to share mine. Theres a saying if you watch a group of kids running around, you would never know who had a heart defect unless they lifted their shirt. This list, which may shock you, includes Olympians, Athletes, Musicians and more, all with an invisible illness. Defects can involve the walls or valves of the heart, or they may affect the arteries and veins near the heart. Finally, many patients are able to return to their sports after successful operation. This year he was told he couldnt do heavy lifting but all other sports are still ok. My son seems to sprain his ankles or have other injuries often that last longer than others kids, I also played sports and had injuries but they never lasted as long as his do. If I had to choose a valve for AVR, Id choose a tissue valve. Make no mistake, though. Its probably not possible to have too much information as you think about your situation. Do you think I should slow down a little bit? Dear Doctor, Bicuspid Aortic Valve: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment, Biological Tissue Valves: Pig, Cow, Horse & Human, The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery. The doctor looked at the results and told me to limit physical activity (running), because it can lead to heart failure in future. What should i do? His cardiologist said, i am sure he can play a full game with new issues but I have to go with new guidelines and indirectly left it up to me to make the decision which moved him to mild /moderate and put right at the Borderline. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Other heart parameters are very good (no bigger chamber or aorta). Hope to hear back soon. I feel fantastic and have already been walking the streets of Cleveland enjoying your amazing statues. Guidelines suggest that athletes with BAV, normal size aorta, and no more than mild aortic regurgitation or stenosis can participate in all sports, without restriction.provided that they do not have an inherited connective tissue disorder like Marfan's's syndrome. He told me to carry on as normal and to take 300mg Irbesartan per day. Would this constitute as too much in your opinion ? looking forward for healthy life without surgery any possibilities??? If he is a candidate for valve replacement are these sports he could ever return to In the best case scenario? It has served me well enabling me to live the vigorous, full, complete life you are all so familiar with. Something they suspect is also from birth but never previously picked up. John Ritter - Actor - passed away due to undiagnosed CHD at age 55. My son was just told he made the varsity basketball team as a freshman. It seems to be a very interesting option for those who have aortic dilatation due to Marfan or BAV (which is my case). Ive recently joined the gym to get fit an toned up but I cant get a clear answer from the cardiologist of what weights I cant actually do at the gym. Im less certain about how BAV, coarctation, and history of VSD repair might impact ones current top-end performance. I had surgery when I was 10 years old to replace my bav with a St.jude mechanical valve. I would like to get back into it, but obviously I have been having some concerns. I exercise, eat well and keep my weight down. They wont repair my aneurysm unless it was 55mm during surgery or 60mm before surgery. My surgeon says that the aneurism and bav go together. I have 5 children, so I dont want to drop dead and leave my poor wife with them all to look after on her own. I have regular checks, 12 to 18 months, and until about 3 years ago was told that it was hard to tell that Id had a replacement valve, it now shows slight stiffening. Running it is important for me but if it has a problematic effect , I would opt for power walking However, I always performed poorly when it came to the top end fitness tests e.g. I had an exercise tolerance test recently and they seemed happy with my results so fingers crossed thats a good indication I can carry on training hard! Weve known the risks and my daughter has done well to avoid scrapping for the ball etc. After the scans, ultrasounds, stress tests and TOE, I was diagnosed with BAV with no Stenosis, no Aortopathy and no evidence of Coarct and normal LV size and function. Here are stories of some celebrities with this condition: Not everyone who has a congenital heart defect knows about it, so its important to be vigilant about the health of your heart. I say this based on the fact different exercises will allow for differrent weight tolerances than others, in addition, stronger people can handle more weight than others. , Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease, Acquired Valve Disease. My son was diagnosed with BAV, by chance, when he was 7. It is unclear however if there are cardio thoracic surgeons who perform minimally evasive repairs yet. Rather than just sit there and do nothing about how much I missed [my mother], I put all of that pain, sorrow and longing for my mother into helping educate and make people aware. Ive not found any programs for evaluating repaired athletes unless something exist with a physiologist research lab. No stenosis or regurgitation, aorta 27 mm at the time. My cardiologist tells me that I need to be monitored yearly and that I should exercise without limitation (for cardio) I have symptoms however that include chest pain and shortness of breath and palpitations. While my surgeon said that I can do whatever normal healthy person would do my cardiologist gave me some restrictions basically not to raise my HR over 120. In addition to the European guidelines, there is also an American set of guidelines published in the Proceedings of the 36th Bethesda Conference. 2; Now I wanted to start again (also due to the 8kg I accumulated in the meanwhile:( ) and I discovered that I can barely run 5K in 30 min and I generally find it very difficult to run. Hi Dr. Creswell. Yes, there are certainly individuals with BAV who go a lifetime without needing valve replacement or aortic surgery. First, Id encourage you to follow your doctors advice. Aortic valve repair and aortic valve replacement are done to treat aortic valve disease. No other issues. His doctor said his heart look very healthy and no other issues. And he never had any symptoms and played competitive soccer since he was 6. A 2nd opinion might help by bringing another set of eyes and ears to your problem. Do medications like beta-blockers limit any potential harm? I have recently found out that I have aortic regurgitation will soon be needing surgery. I get the fact that lifting excessively can cause a spike in blood pressure, but only under certain conditions (i.e. My heart seems to heal, so that speaks well for my future.. His last MRI showed a dilation of 4.4cm at his aorta root but his BAV is fine with very little leakage. I would think that moderate would be a good term for 8-12 rep range, pullups (unassisted), and pushups. Surgery. Fox News anchor Bret Baier has a . New guidelines from the American College of Cardiology (ACC) were published just this week. The increased stroke volume and cardiac output may cause . With aortic root 39mm. Looking through the reader comments here at the blog and reflecting on the athlete inquiries Ive received, I thought Id cover some of the major issues. Congenital heart issues affect approximately 40,000 people born each year in the U.S. and are one of the most common types of birth defects. The aortic valve is between the left lower heart chamber and the body's main artery, called the aorta. I dont know what to do .. Bicuspid aortic valves are more common in men, but also affect women. To list down the names of celebrities including entertainers, musicians, politicians, TV personalities, sports figures, etc. I just want to know what things I will see change so that I dont look past the change in my valve and miss my window to get the valve replaced. Seems unlikely to me that there would be lingering effects that would make an EKG or chest x-ray abnormal. I was diagnosed age 4 and am now 35. Since my initial post i decided to call another pediatric cardiology hospital in our state, University of Michigan Pediatric Cardiology. He would be devastated to never be able to play again. The recovery from heart surgery can be hard to predict for any given patient, but we know that young otherwise healthy patients tend to do well. A week after he made the varsity team as a freshman he was told by the doctor he couldnt play. Lastly, a human donor valve was inserted into the pulmonary valve position. But neither of these procedures are durable for the long-term. What activities can I do? The most common type was type 1 (1 raphe with the raphe positioned between the right and left coronary sinuses (75%), while the second most common type was also type 1 . Contemporary reports suggest that life expectancy with BAV is no different from the general population. This was caused by an aneurysm in the ascending aorta (root) that measured over 6 centimeters). Arnold Schwarzenegger opted against a mechanical valve replacement and chose a tissue valve because he felt a mechanical valve might limit his physical activity and capacity to exercise. My personal approach to endurance athletes in this situation would be to offer operation if the patient wanted to continue to participate in endurance sports (after operation) and was willing to assume the risks of operation. . I would like to thank you very much for providing me with your thoughts. Maybe a genewho knows. There, Lucci learned that she had a 90 percent blockage in the main artery of her heart and a 70 percent blockage in another, and needed emergency surgery. Again, there are ACC/AHA guidelines for when operation is needed: Sometimes more than one indication for operation may be present, so there is the additional guideline for patients who need operation for aortic stenosis or regurgitation: I know from discussion with athletes over the past few years that there are differences of opinion among cardiologists and heart surgeons about these guidelines. In your experience how long are we talking before I have to have surgery and do beta blockers really help in prolonging the need for surgery. The echo in Jan asc aorta Diam 4.2 cm z-score 6.4. Thanks so much Aside from the problems with aortic valve stenosis or regurgitation or with enlargement of the aorta, individuals with BAV can also suddenly develop the problem of aortic dissection. Lynn. i.e. Also I seemed to get quite sweaty the following hours after a hard training session. Is this true that you wont be symptomatic with only mild AR? Ordinarily, race walking is considered to be in the same category of activity as long-distance running.