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Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. It is. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, an unlikely pair of working men, Lennie Small and George Milton, go out in search of work and end up on a ranch. Section 2 page 52 When the reader first sees Curleys wife, the way Steinbeck describes her helps to solidify the readers negative first impression of her: Both Curley's Wife Characterization Project (Of Mice and Men) by. Curley's wife wanted to go to Hollywood and be in the "picture". The bold, heavily made-up appearance matches her personality as she disguises her true feelings and emotions with lies like the colourful, interesting appearance disguises her lonely, isolated life. In chapter 4, she insults Lennie, Candy, and Crooks, telling them that they are all cowards. She is discussed in terms of what she looks like, not her personality. In the story, her name isnt mentioned, instead called "Curleys wife". Crooks, the black stableman, is another character that has a dream. Sexism was a very prominant Her dreams of a more exciting life go unfulfilled at the plot's end. It was this strange quirk of his that got Lennie and George into serious trouble back in Weed, after Lennie terrified a girl by touching her dress. Inside, the walls were whitewashed and the floor unpainted. Curleys Wife is unable to achieve her dream of being in the pitchers and Jane is unable to adjust her own recovery through the rest cure. She is yelling because he is holding on to her hair and won't let go. "Lennie's eyes moved down over her body, and though Curley's wife has a lot of 'I get lonely," she said. You might not require more time to spend to go to the ebook opening as without difficulty as search for them. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Lennie touches her hair, but he is too rough. Candys loneliness affects George and Lennie and alters the dream to a three man thing instead of just George and Lennie. The first time you hear about Curleys wife is when candy describes her to George. WebOne time when Curleys wife was in Riverside Dance Palace a man came up to her and told her he was going to put her in the movies. A He says he was gonna He aint a nice fella. because the american dream is all about opportunity and self_invention and be who want to be. - Description & Quotes, Who is Curley in Of Mice and Men? The most ironic thing about this scene is that her death is that it is preceded by a moment of human connection. He is unaware of how strong and powerful he is, and a theme of trouble and tragedy resulting from this uncontrollable strength emerges throughout the book. CliffsNotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what you're studying, CliffsNotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Unfortunately, all of their dreams fall short of coming true. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. Curleys wife tries to strike up a conversation, but is repeatedly shot down by Lennie who keeps stating that he is not supposed to talk to her because she will cause trouble for him. Foreshadowing Steinbeck uses foreshadowing throughout the novel to predict what is going to happen to Curley's wife at the end of the novel. Find related themes, quotes, symbols, characters, and more. Lennie and George are a pair of migrant workers who want to live the American dream and have their own ranch. Similarly, Curley's wife is also a manipulator. In the first sentence I meant the "pictures" as in movies. George specifically recommends Lennie to not even look at that bitch I never seen no piece of jailbait worse than her (p.36) knowing Lennies reputation for trouble. The theme of dreams is introduced at the start of the book through Georges description to Lennie of the farm that they hope one day to own together. 23 Votes) In Of Mice & Men, the character Curley's Wife is depicted as flirtatious, promiscuous, and insensitive. While the rest of the workers are playing horseshoes, Lennie laments to himself inside the barn about accidentally killing his puppy. If the letter was stolen that could have been the start of the decline of her dream. Unfortunately, he does not understand his own strength or how to control his emotions, and this leads to yet another tragedy through the accidental killing of Curley's wife. In the story, her name isnt mentioned, instead called "Curleys wife". There was no personality, no egonothing to arouse either like or dislike. Curleys wife is unfulfilled and is always slinking around the barn and attempts to talk to the men working, which usually ends in failure. The men hate her and think she causes trouble, but she is not even given the dignity of having a name. Throughout the novella we see her dress and Tutorial on Curley's Wife's Dream in John Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men Page 29 'A girl was standing there looking in. Curly is arrogant, self-centered and jealous. George and Curley's wife's dream is to become a movie actress. Webcurley's wife dream page number INTRO OFFER!!! will help you with any book or any question. Candy tells George and Lennie that"she got the eye," meaning that she looks at and flirts with other men. In Chapter 5, Curley's lonely wife finds Lennie in one of the stalls, stroking his puppy that has died, probably because he has handled it too much. I get lonely, she said. This is the familiar theme of loneliness an isolation so prevalent in this novella except from a young woman's point of view. Steinbeck uses this charcter to illustrate many things. Curleys wife declared, I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it aint even funny (81). There is no Steinbeck uses repetition to make Curleys wife look desperate for her dream to come true. She tries to flirt with Lennie, and Crooks steps in. Candy tells Lennie and George when he first meets them that she got Her isolation throughout the novella is caused by her gender, sexual appearance and predatory. Lennie is mentally weak, george can't fight for his dream, and curley resents being a. He knows of a farm they can buy, and the readers' hopes are lifted as well, as the men plan, in detail, how they will buy the ranch and what they will do once it is theirs. Curley's Wife With Page Numbers Get everything you need to know about Curleys Wife in Of Mice and Men. When Curley's wife allows Lennie to be comforted by stroking her hair, he then becomes overwhelmed by the feelings of the moment and begins grabbing her hair too hard. Her death also signifies the destruction of the Shes a trophy, and he treats her as such. One of the quotes to prove this statement is, I tell ya I could of went with shows (Steinbeck, 78). Dreamer: Curley's wife has dreams of becoming rich and famous by starring in movies. The men in the story frequently talk about her as a 'tramp' and a 'whore.' She finds Lennie by the puppies and tries to talk to him by opening up and telling him that she is lonely and could have been famous. WebStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Because Curleys wife says, you bet to the end of her sentence could mean that she is trying to make herself believe that her dreams could come true. Her lips slightly parted, (Pg. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Before the action of the story begins, circumstances have robbed most of the characters of these wishes. I dont know why I cant talk to you. The men suggest that Curley keep up with her whereabouts better. This instance of indirect characterization demonstrates how a lack of companionship can bring forth agony and frustration in one's life. Teachers and parents! Curley's Wifes American Dream. Her dream ended as a result of her loneliness. For the first time in his life, George believes the She is much like Eve, who is seen as having a lesser status, and even belonging to Adam. The most ironic thing about this scene is that her death is that it is preceded by a moment of human connection. But, unfortunately her dream was corrupted because of the society she is living in. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Lennie Small. Carlson says, 'Why'n't you tell her to stay the hell home where she belongs?' All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. First, Lennie liked Although they may seem like polar opposites as Crooks is a black male and Curleys Wife is a white female, they have underlying similarities such as the discrimination they faced, not only from the men on the ranch but, from the society of the 1920s and 30s. He ain't a nice fella.". She uses the attention she receives to manipulate the men who work on the ranch. the ranch. how have Curley's wife's dreams for her life change or been lost? When she grabs his hand and puts it on her hair, she is just trying to be nice, but it is a fatal mistake. "In Of Mice and Men, how and why does Lennie kill Curley's wife?" Her unfulfilled dream serves as a commentary on the limitations and injustices faced by women in the 1930s, when the novel is set. Lonely: Curley's wife reveals that she is lonely and wants company when she comes into Crooks's room. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? He is only shaking her like that because he wants her to stop yelling. She tells Lennie her story about wanting to become an actress, and about how lonely she is, manipulating Lennie into spending time with her. However, her ol lady wouldnt let [her]. This is shown through the discrimination they face from the other people on the ranch and even the way Steinbeck refers to them. It stems from the following: "I tell you I ain't used to livin' like this. Curleys decision to hunt Lennie down for the murder of his wife is one circumstance in which a characters morals are deemed more important than the laws that govern society. She may be lonely; she may be happy to sit down and pour her heart out to Lennie; but that's about as far as she's prepared to go. Back in the day, women represented temptation of evil and terrible due to sleeping around. Wife lives over in the bosss house. However this backfires and leaves her in a no-win situation as her heavily sexualised manner is the key point of criticism amongst the men as they describe her as a tart and a piece of jail bait who, if approached, will only lead to trouble as she can ultimately cause the destruction of their own versions of the American Dream. I get awful lonely. When Curley's wife stood at the doorway of where Candy, Lennie, and Crooks were she says They left all the weak ones here (Steinbeck 77). Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. She dreams of being a film star. At a more basic level, her dream is about being able to escape the ranch and her dissatisfying marriage to Curley. Steinbeck uses this charcter to illustrate many things. For example, quickly, cautiously. WebCurleys wife is the only female character who is directly featured in the novel. As the only woman, she is segregated from the ranch society and Steinbeck makes her seem more isolated and friendless by never giving her a name but being identified as Curleys possession. Curleys Wife is another individual who once had a dream. Curleys wife, for instance, has resigned herself to an unfulfilling marriage. If they was a circus or a baseball game we would of went to her jus' said 'ta hell with work,' an' went to her. Steinbeck uses repetition to make Curleys wife look desperate for her dream to come true. Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other.. "A man got to have some rights even if he don't like 'em." Lennie kills Curleys wife because he likes to pet soft things.He is mourning the death of his puppy also by his own hand when Curleys wife enters the barn. WebCurleys Wife. WebCurleys wife, who remains unnamed in the book, has a dream of becoming Hollywoods biggest star. However, right before and after her death, we see a softer woman who was a dreamer, and still retained her innocence. He said, "Yes, ma'am," and his voice was toneless. What does Crooks say happens to a guy if he gets too lonely?, 2. George asks if, and Curley are arguingSlim says hes sick of Curley constantly asking him about his own, A voice from the door startles the men. In chapter 4, Curley's wife walks into Crooks's small room attached to the barn and interrupts the men having a conversation. Additionally, Crooks' speech shows how isolation and separation from others can be emotionally draining. She eventually starts screaming, and Lenny covers her mouth and starts shaking her to make her stop. curley's wife dream page number 3- Classes pack for $45 curley's wife dream page number for new clients only. Curleys wife perfectly represents the average woman in America in the 1930s. What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? Topic Tracking: Dreams 5. For a moment she stood over him as though waiting for him to move so that she could whip at him again (81). She holds on to that dream and talks about what could have been. He spots, to go into town to get the sheriff. Why does George kill Lennie in Of Mice and Men? In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? This is because Curleys wife is trying to make herself feel bad about herself because at the moment she is living at a ranch with all men and no women with a husband that she doesnt love and no chances of getting her dream to come true in the future. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. This quote Never ast nobody's say so. In chapter 4, Curley's wife walks into Crooks's small room attached to Steinbeck explains that she is presented as a sexual object for Curly. Curley's wife lives in a fantasy world, believing that she will be rescued from the mundane ranch surroundings by something more exciting and dazzling. Steinbeck uses verbs to make Curleys wife look inferior for a split second. She says that she doesn't want to be locked up all the time and does not like her husband. In addition to becoming an actress, Curley's wife also dreams of leaving her pugnacious, domineering husband. Lennie is afraid of Curley's reaction if he finds out that Lennie has hurt Curley's wife, and so he shakes her to stop her yelling, leading to her death. Curley's wife desperately wanted to feel like somebody special. A man pretended that he was from hollywood who took advantage of curley's wife, he lied to her 77). Curley's wife is depicted as a manipulator and a temptress throughout Of Mice and Men. In response, Curley's wife issues a stern warning: Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. Curley bursts in, asking for his, that petting the puppies too much wouldnt be good for them. He was afraid that George would not let him be part of the dream anymore if Curley's wife got mad at him. Curleys Wife admission to Lennie, Loneliness. I aint doin no harm to you (Steinbeck 96). Her face was heavily made up. Eve is also depicted as a temptress in the Genesis story, and is blamed for her and Adam's expulsion from the paradise of Eden. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young. Curley's wife is a lonely and bitter woman who dislikes her jealous husband and despairs over her inability to find anyone to talk to on the ranch. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Curley's wife has big dreams of becoming a famous actress in the movies, but her death signifies the end of her dream. curley's wife is a very weird character. Steinbeck uses this charcter to illustrate many things. Her dream is to be (in the movies) and "wear nice During this time nobody liked African. This makes the reader feel sorry for Curleys wife as she is wanting a life in Hollywood but cant because she has now married Curley and she cant even talk to people on the ranch she wont have any chance of getting to Hollywood as Curley wont let her. This then angers Curleys wife, causing her to explode and ask Lennie, Whas the matter with me? APA MLA Harvard Chicago ASA IEEE AMA. Despite Steinbecks rendering, Curleys wife emerges as a relatively complex and interesting character. - The Old Man. I like machines." In Weed, Lennie touched a woman's red dress and refused to let go when she panicked. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Ever' one of you's scared the rest is What page does curleys wife tell us that she wanted to be a movie star. Most of the men go off to a brothel one night, and Lennie and Candy, who were not of the party, made their way to Crooks's room, where Curley's wife shows up, again, looking for her husband. 4.2/5 (1,851 Views . Curley's wife symbolizes failed dreams. We have seen the inevitibility of the scenario with Lennies strength and Curleys wifes desire for affection and attention. quotes from Candy, George, Lennie, Curley's Wife. Latest answer posted November 18, 2018 at 7:17:30 AM. copyright 2003-2023 Throughout the novella Curleys wife is marginalized and is distinguished as an object, only being valued for her appearance, due to her gender. Curley's wife had a dream of being a famous actress in Hollywood, but that dream was ruined now she is very bitter, has no power, and the wife of the boss's son. Curley's Wife Character in Of Mice and Men. There was another opportunity: "a guywas in pitchers. In the Genesis narrative, Eve tricks Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. When she begins yelling out in pain, Lennie begins covering her mouth and shaking her violently, leading to her neck breaking. Denton, TX 43 290 112 6/25/2022 Really good experience here yesterday. It will unconditionally squander the time. Curley's wife is usually referred to as a tramp, tart, or a looloo by the men on the ranch. For example, while explaining to Lennie why he lived in an isolated shack, Crooks says Cause Im black. Manipulating: Curley's wife tries to manipulate the men into paying attention to her by using her sexuality. Not jus' one, neither. This answer will tell us to which extent, is Curley's wife a victim, whether towards her flirtatious behaviour, or to everyone's representation of her. We see the racist attitude that Curleys Wife exerts upon Crooks when she claims, Well, you keep your place then, nigger. In Of Mice and Men, Lenny accidentally kills Curley's wife by shaking her so hard that her neck breaks. He told her soon's he got back to Hollywood he "You can talk to people, nut I can't talk to nobody Her death also signifies the destruction of the American Steinbeck makes very good use of dreams throughout the novel. Curleys Wife admission to Lennie. She typically dresses in red, provocative clothing and accessories. Like many characters in the book, Curleys wife also has a dream. The death of Candy's dog and the crushing of Curley's hand are situations that have repercussions later. An error occurred trying to load this video. will help you with any book or any question. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Curley's wife has several strong personality traits she displays throughout the novella. Understand the personality of Curley's wife, explore her dreams, and read about Curley's wife's quotes. These dark images are balanced with Lennie's happiness in securing a puppy and the promise of being able to finally get their dream farm. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny'. He simply lives for today with no thought for his future and no concern for saving money, illustrating Steinbeck's point that sometimes our best intentions can be hurt by the human need for instant gratification or relief from the boredom. Already a member? Curley's wife's dream is to become a movie actress . Minutes before the Curleys wife emerged into the room, Crooks began to open up to Candy and Lennie concerning his life, but as soon as she broke into his room to insult him, Crooks shut everyone out again believing that mankind doesnt acknowledge kindness into ones heart. Ample parking in the shopping center. Although she appeared in a limited number of scenes and does not have a real name, Curleys wife makes a large impact in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men. When Curley's wife is discussed by other characters in the novel, she is usually objectified, or regarded as an object, not a person. What makes all of these dreams typically American is that the dreamers wish for untarnished happiness, for the freedom to follow their own desires. The other characters refer to her only as "Curley's wife". Curley's wife comes into Crooks's room, and when they are rude to her, she says: Lennie tells Curley's wife he isn't supposed to talk to her, and she tells him: Curley's wife is an essential character in Of Mice and Men. TK Waters has been an adjunct professor of religion at Western Kentucky University for six years. She has three active scenes in the book, but the men talk about and objectify her throughout the text. Curleys wife. The verb demanded shows that Curleys wife is being authoritative as she is asking Lennie a question. George. In this chapter 5. An a guy tol me he could put me in pitchers (Steinbeck 38). When Curley's wife is killed and placed in the hay by Lennie, Steinbeck writes, 'And the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. This is my response that i did for a past paper question. if you need to use my work please credit me for it please. Thanks Jack Whitbread 2015 Although her purpose is rather simple in the books opening pagesshe is the After Candy finds out about Lennie killing Curleys wife, he knows that his dream had just become more impossible. Curly destroys his wife's record collection in a Curley's Wife to Lennie, Hollywood Dream "He says he was gonna put me in the movies." So, she says, she was not going to stay at home with her mother preventing her from finding opportunities to become an actress. With our Essay Lab, you can create a customized outline within seconds to get started on your essay right away. WebTopic Tracking: Dreams 5. He says he was gonna put me in the movies. Here are some famous 'Of Mice And Men' quotes that reveal the diverse characters in the novel. Her early dream was to become an actress, the achievement of which was thwarted by the objections of her mother. :dont you worry about talkin to me) while they were talking she is asked him to touch her hair and that leads to her death and the end of her dream. The following piece of evidence was when Curley's Wife walked into Crooks room he addressed her about it and she said Well, you keep your place then, Nigger. The letter she was waiting for to get to be put into pictures. This is my response that i did for a past paper question. Why can't I talk to you? I never get to talk to nobody. Curleys Wife to Lennie, Hollywood Dream. bookmarked pages associated with this title. B.A. He also mentions the story of Andy Cushman, a man who is now in prison because of a "tart." The other characters in the book are all white males and they are treated as superiors to these two. Lennie and George share a dream of owning a house and raising animals on a ranch, while Curleys wife fantasizes of the life that could have been. WebCandy. Her dream is to be who she wants to be without anyone judging her and no one telling her no you cant do this (her mother) . WebCurleys wife is a young and beautiful woman who has a dream to become an actress in Hollywood. When Slim comes by, enters the bunk house again and demands to know whether the men have seen his, After Slim and Crooks leave, Whit makes small talk with George about, gets into bed, and Carlson begins cleaning his pistol. Among those who are living the dream of homeownership is Kewanna Shaw and her husband, Kalen, and two sons, Kingsley and Christopher. When she started to complain, he panicked. Curley's wife dreams of having a lot of friends because she feelslonely in her situation: she is the only woman on the farm and she is not allowed to speak Encourage students to cite page numbers and read brief passages when discussing the novel. So he instinctively reaches out and starts stroking Curley's wife's hair. Although Curleys wife does not care for Curley, she is still furious at the fact that he is permitted to do as he pleases while she herself is stuck on the ranch, being judged with every step she takes. To make up for her misery and loneliness, She also flirts by saying, "Well, if that's all you want, I might get a couple rabbits myself," when hearing Lennie wants rabbits. Her face was heavily made up. I tell ya I could of went with shows. Curley's wife resents her mother for possibly stealing her letters from Hollywood and holds onto the dream that she will one day be contacted to act in a movie. All page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the penguin books edition of of mice and men published in 1993. In Of Mice and Men the men are united by their shared dreams of stability, security, freedom, and of course to tend the rabbits. John steinbeck describes a world where the Many of the male characters on the ranch feel threatened by her, calling her jailbait because she is In the book Of Mice and Men, what is Old Susy's Place? Latest answer posted December 21, 2017 at 8:49:36 PM. he wants to give us a hint of how women are treated. Curley's wife's dream has always been to be a Hollywood starlet. from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. After she screamed, Lennie covered her mouth. Categories: Character Wife Download Essay, Pages 4 (987 words) Views 2123 The character of Curleys Wife is one of the most significant characters in the book as she Curley treats his wife like a possession. what was her dream? Chapter 3 brings that prophesy to light with a number of occurrences that are dark and violent. He got married a couple of weeks ago. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# She goes on to insult her husband, telling them that she isn't going to stay confined in their small house and that she knows his hand is busted because he was beaten in a fightthough he claims to be incredibly tough. Curley's Wife as a Symbol. A man once told her he'd put her in movies, but Curley's wife never heard back from him. Curley's Wife. The relationship between father and son is also implied because George looks after Lennies basic survival needs and tries to keep him out of trouble. The way the content is organized. George says, " he'll do any damn thing I [tell him to do.]" Immediately after killing Curley's wife, Lennie travels back to his hidden meeting spot by the river and waits for George while Curley leads a lynch mob after him. WebTrouble with mice is you always kill em..