Contact our sales team. Circuit Court. top: 0px; There were no incumbents in this race. font-size: 12px; The results have been certified. .votebox_bp_logo { margin-bottom: 4px; } Aaron Pea is a graduate from the University of Texas at Austin where he studied government. Jaime Tijerina advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 4 on March 6, 2018. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms TexasThirteenthDistrictCourtAppeals. Chari Kelly background-color: #f9d334; Mike Engelhart advanced from the Democratic primary for Texas First District Court of Appeals Place 4 on March 1, 2022. Source. Record-Eagle/Mike Krebs. font-size: 12px; background-color: #003388; 13th Court of Appeals, . vertical-align: middle; .results_row td:first-child { The Court of Appeals is exactly what its title implies. .inner_percentage, .inner_percentage.Nonpartisan, .inner_percentage.Independent, .inner_percentage.Constitution, .inner_percentage.unknown { position: relative; Guerra served as Chair, Hidalgo County Democratic Party, from 2000 to 2004. Collectively, Trump won these Pivot Counties by more than 580,000 votes. .inner_percentage.Green { Shine Academy of Health Science Education is for a nine-month certificate pilot program Better Teachers, Better Healthcare for Historically Underserved Hispanics at the Border: MedEd Teaching Certificate Program meant to focus on innovative medical education and best teaching practices.Because the program is tailored to the borders specific healthcare needs, medical educators will gain professional development opportunities as clinical faculty members to enhance student learning and, in turn, produce physicians better trained to meet the healthcare needs of historically underserved Hispanics at the Border. 100% remote. Incumbent April Farris advanced from the Republican primary for Texas First District Court of Appeals Place 4 on March 1, 2022. Ysmael Fonseca and Aaron Pea - Republican candidates for 13th Court of Raleigh, NC 27601. TFRW holds fast to the underlying principles of the Republican Party, government by the people, and the belief that as many people as possible must be part of the process if it is to work effectively. After the term expires, judges must win another partisan general election to gain their first full, six-year term. .inner_percentage.Republican { } Incumbent Elizabeth Kerr advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Second District Court of Appeals Place 3 on March 1, 2022. Aaron Pea. This Court has intermediate appellate jurisdiction in both civil and criminal cases appealed from lower courts; in civil cases where the judgment exceeds $100, exclusive of costs, and in criminal cases, except in post-conviction writs of habeas corpus and where the death penalty has been imposed. Former 464th District Court Judge Ysmael Fonseca of McAllen, an appointee of Gov. } Source. Both men are seeking the March 1, 2022 Republican Party nomination for Justice,Place 3,Texas 13th Court of Appeals, which maintains offices in Edinburg and Corpus Christi, for the right to face off against incumbent Justice Letty Hinojosa, D-McAllen, in the statewide election in November 2022. Cory Carlyle TFRW considers itself as deniably the most powerful womens political organization in Texas today.. Greg Perkes advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 2 on March 6, 2018. Chief Justice Dori Contreras was first elected as a Justice to the 13thCourt of Appeals in 2002, and was re-elected in 2008 and 2014. vertical-align: top; Incumbent Randy Wilson advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Fourteenth District Court of Appeals Place 9 on March 1, 2022. Kyle Carter. Legalweek New York explores Business and Regulatory Trends, Technology and Talent drivers impacting law firms. .race_header.libertarian { } Elected. } .votebox_legend .non_result_row { overflow-y: hidden; } The Texas Courts of Appeals is one of 14 appellate courts in the Texas judicial system with intermediate jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases that are appealed from the lower district or county courts. and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Jeb Bush and was reelected in 2008. .electionsectionheading { Bill Pedersen Incumbent Scott Stevens won election in the general election for Texas Sixth District Court of Appeals Chief Justice. Aaron Pea defeated incumbent Leticia Hinojosa in the general election for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 3 on November 8, 2022. .results_table { County judges, as presiding supervisors of the commissioners courts, help govern county government, including providing safety protection, public transportation, parks, hospitals and buildings, providing zoning, waste, water and permit regulations, levying and collecting taxes for county and municipal organizations and overseeing and enforcing more specific duties, as laid out by Texas statutes. Greg Perkes (R) (Incumbent) Source1Source2. Print Table. The County Chair is the leader of the local Republican Party in each county throughout the state. max-height: 580px; Greg Abbott, and former House District 40 state representative Aaron Pea, R-Edinburg individuals who have strong ties to the Texas Legislature will participate in a Republican Candidate Dinner Forum on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in McAllen. text-align: left !important; Hamlyn is running for 13th Circuit Court judge. The Thirteenth Court of Appeals was created in 1963 by amendment to Article 1817, V.T.C.S., pursuant to authority granted by Article 5, Section 1, Texas Constitution. width: 100%; Nancy Kennedy defeated Kristina Williams in the general election for Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals Place 7 on November 8, 2022. } .votebox { Aaron Pea for Justice Patricia Alvarez .race_header.democratic { JUSTICE, 14TH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT, PLACE 2. Many of the lands seized by the Normans in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries were recovered by the Irish during the fourteenth and fifteenth;73 and although in 1540 Henry VIII elevated Ireland to the status of a kingdom, English authority remained precarious or nonexistent beyond the densely populated and rich agricultural area of the Pale. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} The general election was canceled. display: block; Court & Place Democrat Republican Notes/Other; Candidate (D-city) Candidate (R-city) Candidate (L) Candidate (G) Candidate (I) Campaign Mailing Address: Campaign Phone: Campaign Website: Social Media Links: twitter Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Bobby Guerra, D-McAllen. In 2014 Pea went on to serve as an Assistant General Counsel in the Texas Department of Agriculture. The results have been certified. font-weight: 200; The Honorable Jerry Deese Vinson Jr., Florence, SC. Follow @arabnews. 2nd Court of Appeals, Place 3: Elizabeth Kerr* (R-Fort Worth) . Ken Molberg Todd McCray advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Fourth District Court of Appeals Place 6 on March 1, 2022. .outer_percentage { The general election was canceled. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { } background-color: #dac113; He specializes in civil defense, municipal and governmental law, and small business and non-profit representation. @media screen and (max-width: 350px) { A district attorney in Texas has the following duties: Represents the state in prosecuting felony criminal cases. Emily Miskel advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals Place 4 on March 1, 2022. .courts-header { font-size:150%;background-color:#334aab;color:white;} padding-bottom: 8px; .inner_percentage.Green { JUSTICE, 13TH COURT OF APPEALS DISTRICT, PLACE 3. Esmeralda Flores, Ph.D. and Jane Cross are seeking the Republican Party nomination for Hidalgo County Judge. In addition, the team has also interviewed more than 100 people in the community, including those who use drugs, harm reductionists, first responders, health care workers and other key stakeholders. Juan Tijerina is seeking the party primary nomination for Hidalgo County District Attorney. Project CONNECT will track overdoses by location as they happen creating data pools that can be used to understand the scope of the problem and get resources to the areas and people who need them. } .results_row { } There were no incumbents in this race. } Court of Appeals } The Texas Legislature authorized courts of civil appeals to issue writs of mandamus and all other writs necessary to enforce their jurisdiction in 1892. letter-spacing: 0.03em; vertical-align: middle; position: absolute; } Incumbent Stacy Trotter advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Eleventh District Court of Appeals Place 3 on March 1, 2022. Leticia Hinojosa (D). The RGVRW is a chapter association of The Texas Federation of Republican Women (TFRW) organization. text-align: left !important; John H Elliott - Empires Of The Atlantic World.pdf [x4ew7x7qk943] EDINBURG, Texas - The two GOP candidates running for the 13th Court of Appeals, Place 3, are making the case that they are more Republican than their opponent. The 20 seats were up for partisan election on November 8, 2022. Bobby Guerra, D-McAllen. Court of Appeals Clerk's Office Telephone (919) 831-3600. Incumbent Gina Benavides advanced from the Democratic primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 5 on March 6, 2018. Known as Project CONNECT, the program aims to provide a more complete picture of the overdose crisis in Texas and guide future interventions. Incumbent Leticia Hinojosa advanced from the Democratic primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 3 on March 1, 2022. Thats especially important to harm reduction groups, which can also use the TxCOPE website to order supplies including life-saving drugs such as naloxone. All three judges on the Court of Appeals are up for reelection this year, but Nevada voters will decide only one of the races, as both Chief Judge Michael P . Minerva Daz, Doctor of Ministry, is seeking the party primary nomination for Hidalgo County Clerk. She is currently the Senior Justice on the Court. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Incumbent Gina Benavides defeated Clarissa Silva in the general election for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 5 on November 6, 2018. .results_row td:first-child { .inner_percentage.Republican { 4th Judicial Circuit, Seat 2. } } background-color: #ccc; } background-color: #003388; Court of Appeals judges in Texas may be removed in one of three ways: Below are some key highlights in the court's history:[8]. Incumbents are bolded and underlined. It hears appeals in both criminal and civil cases. .non_result_row { margin-right: 12px; Incumbent Kevin Jewell advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Fourteenth District Court of Appeals Place 2 on March 1, 2022. There were no incumbents in this race. Rosa Lopez Theofanis advanced from the Democratic primary runoff for Texas Third District Court of Appeals Place 4. overflow-y: hidden; It has two divisions: Division One in Phoenix (16 judges) and Division Two in Tucson (six judges). } } 6 min read. The Kentucky Court of Justice provides a wide range of resources to prepare new judges to take the bench. width: 350px; The general election was canceled. padding-bottom: 0px; Incumbent Nora Longoria advanced from the Democratic primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 2 on March 6, 2018. Women, Influence & Power in Law UK Awards 2023, Legalweek Leaders in Tech Law Awards 2023, WORKERS COMPENSATION ATTORNEY - Hartford, CT, Offering an Opportunity of a Lifetime for Personal Injury Lawyers, What Does Your Business Agreement Really Mean? background-color: #ccc; font-size: 20px; } McALLEN, Texas - The Hidalgo County GOP would like to acknowledge and congratulate Aaron Pea, our newly sworn-in Justice for the 13th Court of Appeals. Texas First District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Second District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Third District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Fourth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Fifth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Sixth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Seventh District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Eighth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Ninth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Tenth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Eleventh District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Twelfth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Texas Fourteenth District Court of Appeals (click to expand), Intermediate appellate court elections by state, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy,,_2022&oldid=8912519, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. AMARILLO, Texas (KAMR/KCIT) - With some well-known state officials, such as State Senator Kel Seliger, not seeking re-election in 2022 and filing open for primary election candidates, the ballot . } height: 56px; --subtitle-background: #334aab; border-bottom: 1px solid grey; top: 2px; Justice Lionel Aron Pea Jr. was elected to the 13th Court of Appeals, Place 3 on November 8, 2022. Frances Bourliot The data is gathered and made available by Transparency USA. padding-left: 0; } The Court of Appeals handles appeals from lower courts (Circuit and District).The Courier Journal, together with the League of Women Voters of Louisville and the Louisville Bar Association identified questions for Court of Appeals candidates. } } overflow: hidden; Emily Miskel, Dori Contreras Aaron Pea defeated Ysmael Fonseca in the Republican primary for Texas Thirteenth District Court of Appeals Place 3 on March 1, 2022. Texas had one Retained Pivot County, 0.55 percent of all Retained Pivot Counties. by Legislative Media | Feb 7, 2022 | Politics. overflow-x: scroll; .indicate_scroll { .votebox-results-metadata-p { } Photograph COURTESY YSMAEL FONSECA, AARON PEA FACEBOOKS. width: 350px; We will be able to increase our current efforts to train the next generation of physicians in using modern medical education and innovative teaching strategies in both the classroom and clinical setting, Madrigal said. font-weight: 300; Greg Abbott, and former House District 40 state representative Aaron Pea, R-Edinburg - individuals who have strong ties to the Texas Legislature - will participate in a Republican Candidate Dinner Forum on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in McAllen. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Elections are grouped by district. TJB | 13th COA | About the Court | Justices - } Incumbents are bolded and underlined. Compass delivers you the full scope of information, from the rankings of the Am Law 200 and NLJ 500 to intricate details and comparisons of firms financials, staffing, clients, news and events. } Source. display: inline-block; Jay Wright defeated Bob Mabry in the general election for Texas Ninth District Court of Appeals Place 2 on November 8, 2022. For subscribers: Ted Cruz of 2012 offers a lesson in 2022 finishing second can be the path to victory. top: 0px; 13th Court of Appeals in Corpus-Christi-Edinburg, Texas Meredith Parenti argued to the Thirteenth Court of Appeals in Corpus-Christi-Edinburg, Texas on April 7, 2021. DEMOCRAT. font-size: 0.9em; The Thirteenth District Court of Appeals has appellate jurisdiction over appeals arising from district and county courts in 20 counties: Judges serve six-year terms and are elected through partisan elections. .non_result_row div { Texas voted Republican in all six presidential elections between 2000 and 2020. Wayne Christian, Sarah Stogner, Marvin Sarge Summers, and Dawayne Tipton are also seeking the party nomination. FIRST DIGITAL PLATFORM TO TRACK AND PREVENT DRUG OVERDOSES IN TEXAS LAUNCHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN. We are regarded by the business community as one of the most valuable credible sources of commerce news in the Rio Grande Valley. .mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, .percentage_number { } Clerk's Office. Pick up a copy of our publication on more than 800 locations Valley-wide. width: 100%; padding-left: 10px; The court consists of six Justices hearing cases out of twenty counties. .votebox { .image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper { width: 50px; Peter Kelly, Bonnie Sudderth Judges in circuit court preside over felony criminal cases, estates and juvenile matters, and handle civil disputes involving more than $30,000. She was re-elected in 2012 and 2018. Erin Nowell background-color: #f4f4f4; } } A primary runoff was scheduled for May 24, 2022. left: 0px; 2018 Titans of the Texas Legislature. } Here is a link to the livestream: September 11, 2020 at 06:34 PM. Translate text to Spanish or other 102 languages! margin-bottom: .75em; top: 2px; Lesli Fitzpatrick advanced from the Republican primary for Texas Third District Court of Appeals Place 4 on March 1, 2022. } Rubn Luna is seeking the party primary nomination for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 4, Place 2. They also conduct inquests and may perform marriage ceremonies. February 14, 2022. The results have been certified. font-weight: 300; We are your connection to the business community! Education. Greg Abbott, and former House District 40 state representative Aaron Pea, R-Edinburg individuals who have strong ties to the Texas Legislature will participate in a Republican Candidate Dinner Forum on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel in McAllen. overflow: hidden; width: 100%; } 2024 - 13th Court of Appeals, Place 2 | Texas Judges Terms of Service. } The 20 seats were up for partisan election on November 8, 2022. Groundbreaking for Quince Ave. & 27th St. Drainage Improvement Project, WATCH: 2023 McAllen State of the City Address, WATCH: Jardin Corinthian, rustic garden vibe for all types of parties, WATCH: Kalos, the perfect choice for your Special Occasion, WATCH: Corinthian, unforgettable events that will be talked about for generations, 464th District Court Judge Ysmael Fonseca, former House District 40 state representative Aaron Pea, DHR Health Receives FDA Approval to Offer Fourth Dose of Pfizer Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine, Mexican Mother and Four-Year-Old Son Rescued, New Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems To be Added in El Paso, Operation Lone Star Fortifies Border Barriers Ahead of Spring Influx, Conservation Experts Present Thornscrub Study, March 12. Growing Mineola firm with national practice seeks associate (with 3-6 years experience) to handle complex general liability matters.Competit CASH KRUGLER & FREDERICKS LLC is Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary & Newest Partners! background-color: #003388; Site Map, Advertise| Beckie Palomo advanced from the special Democratic primary for Texas Fourth District Court of Appeals Place 7 on March 1, 2022. Dr. Robert Nelson Jr., MD, MS, FAAP, Interim Vice Dean for Educational Affairs, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and Chair of Pediatrics.Dr. in Political Science and a minor in History. if(document.getElementsByClassName("reference").length==0) if(document.getElementById('Footnotes')!==null) document.getElementById('Footnotes') = 'none'; .courts-container { background-color:#fcfcfc; width:100%; border:1px solid black;padding:5px;text-align:center;clear:both; } To improve overdose reporting, Dell Meds information technology team worked with Google Cloud partnerMaven Wave to develop a pilot reporting site: Texans Connecting Overdose Prevention Efforts. Candidates; Contributors; Committees; Payees; Lobbying; Search. } Fonseca, an appointee of Gov. .race_header { Getting The Talent Balance Right: From Layoffs to Laterals to Mergers, How Can Firms Staff for Success? .inner_percentage.Libertarian { The Democratic primary runoff election was canceled. Texas Statutory Probate Courts After attending primary schools in his home community of Edinburg, he graduated from Edinburg High School in 1977. 13th Court of Appeals race pits sitting judge against former legislator If a case is tried in District or Circuit court, and the losing parties involved are not satisfied with the outcome, they may ask for a higher court to review the correctness of the trial court's decision. . background-color: green; { .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { Wade Birdwell Founded in 2005, the Shine Academy was created to serve The University of Texas System through the support and advancement of excellence in health science education, educational scholarship, and leadership. float: left; 530 Lovett Blvd, Houston, TX 77006 +1 (713) 942-9600; pricing strategy of samsung mobile phones. .inner_percentage.CrossFiled { William Demond defeated Chris Conrad in the Democratic primary for Texas Fourteenth District Court of Appeals Place 9 on March 1, 2022. display: block; Greg Abbott, served as Judge of the 464th District Court of Hidalgo County from 2019 to 2020, where he managed and presided over thousands of criminal, family and civil cases. font-weight: 300; The rate of opioid and other drug overdoses is on the rise in Texas, but there has been no statewide system to collect overdose data until now. scarRosa is seeking the Republican Party primary nomination for State Representative District 35.