They might take diligent notes or become fully engrossed whenever they conjure up a power they havent experienced before. You hear a ringing in your ears for 1 minute. If this height causes it to collide with a ceiling or object above you, you are restrained and take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, pinned against the object, unless you use your reaction to succeed on a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw to jump off. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the clairvoyance spell. All allies within 20 feet of you gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls on any melee weapon attack they make within the next minute. You lose concentration on any spells you are concentrating on, and an antimagic field surrounds you for the next minute. From the perspective of everyone else, you cease to exist during that time. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. 2023 Wizards. Campaigns have ended within minutes before as an early roll on the Wild Magic Surge table has seen the party sorcerer cast fireball centered on themself and earn the record for the Forgotten Realms fastest TPK. Wild Beyond the Witchlight Magic Items - Nerds & Scoundrels Princes of the Apocalypse. You gain, You are protected from Aberrations for 1 day. Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 lightning damage. Wild Magic Effects Tables | Tysto On a successful save, the damage on each subsequent turn is decreased by 1d6 until it hits 0. Not tame (fireball and meteor shower decidedly arent that) but like its something thats understood. 0902 Caster finds a potion 90% likely to heal and 10% likely to kill . View and manage file attachments for this page. For 1 minute, a duplicate of yourself appears in the nearest open space which can take actions independently, and goes on the same Initiative as you. This does the job but there's some . You lose proficiency in all skill rolls for 1d4 hours. You immediately lose one unspent sorcery point. Caster's hands become covered in sticky goop. Here's a list of d100 random magical effects you can use in your fantasy tabletop campaign. Transported to Astral Plane until end of next turn. However, they do not follow the rules of magical item creation. For the next minute, you gain resistance to necrotic and radiant damage. A character who fears the powers they are connected to could make for someone very timid. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed a, All creatures within 20 feet of you are knocked. One creature of your choice gets a +2 bonus to all attack rolls, damage rolls, and their armor class AC for 1 minute. For the next minute, you can teleport up to 20 feet as part of your movement on each of your turns. The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to necrotic damage for 1 minute. We have to remember, subclass descriptions are often vague so that players can come up with their own unique understanding of their abilities. The different grades of healing potions heal for . on the nearest creature to you. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. General documentation and help section. You and anyone within 10 feet of you must make a. Requires Level 70. MOT. This existential crisis lasts until the start of your next turn, after which you shake it off as nonsense. They vanish after 1 minute. So the next roll is a 1 or a 2. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Such creatures gain. This has no effect if you were not standing on the ground when the spell was cast. Most players dont like unpredictability. Beginning at 18th level, the harmful energy of your spells intensifies. The total number of dice the pool can be increased to is still 10. You transform into a stone statue of yourself for 1 minute, during which time you are considered. You can also escape with a successful DC 11 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. Creature gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. Thats fine; were not in the business of over-engineering things like WotC enjoys doing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Those with a rich cultural history of magic use may seek to infuse their barbaric rage with the mystical currents that run throughout the multiverse. . Determining the wild magic effect involves the roll of a d100, although there are only 50 possible outcomes. Its a subclass thats all about the unexpected, and I frequently find myself working wild magic into my campaigns in one form or another. Once per turn, the DM can have you roll a d20 immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. A living Darkness spell could seek to shroud everything in darkness, or it could function like a helpful ally, hiding its friends from danger. It retains the chaotic randomness, but it tempers the serious results with adjusted probabilities. The spell fails to take effect. You go back to your regular bodies at the end of your next turn, if the body is still alive. For the next day, each time you say a word with the "s" sound, it sounds like a hissing snake. These spells can be broken down into eight categories or schools: Conjuration, Necromancy, Evocation, Abjuration, Transmutation, Divination, Enchantment, and Illusion. The invisibility ends if you attack or cast a spell. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, rerolling this result on subsequent rolls. You are immune to intoxication for the next 5d6 days. I should've checked here before making my own (see below)Does anyone know of an easy way to integrate these rolls to our DnDBeyond character sheets or VTT instance? Plenty of the results also become more or less useful, problematic, or interesting based on context, which is fun and, I think, the big reason why this is such a popular subclass. Wild Magic. When you roll damage for a spell and roll the highest number possible on any of the dice, choose one of those dice, roll it again and add that roll to the damage. 75-76. Class Archetype - Wild Magic Wild Magic Surge - Level 1. Pocket Sand. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. For the next hour, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d4 and subtract the result. View wiki source for this page without editing. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 2. 20% haste puts your arcane blast at a 2 sec cast, add in the 1 sec GCD, and you've got 3 seconds, exactly the cooldown of barrage. During the next hour, you must make an, You transform into a stuffed toy resembling yourself for 1 minute, during which time you are considered. Only a spell such as. Potion of Wild Magic is the alchemy ability to create [Potion of Wild Magic] . It can duplicate the effect of a spell of up to 3rd level that has a casting time of less than 1 minute. On a success, you vomit and the effect ends. You control it on its next turn, and it controls you on your next turn. controlled by the DM appears in a space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later. For the next minute, the only languages you know are Deep Speech, Primordial, and Sylvan. A magic mouth appears on a nearby wall or flat surface. This doesnt have to be chaotic in the moral alignment aspect, but it certainly can be. These characters can be dangerous because theyll probably seek to invite randomness into any situation, be that with their magic or not. If the result is 1 or less, a Wild Magic Surge occurs. Conjuration magic creates matter or transposes energy and spirits from one part of the multiverse to another. PASSWALL randomly appears until the first, RESURRECT the last creature that died within 30ft, MAGICAL DISRUPTION Dispel Magic AOE within 30ft, EMPOWERED MAGIC all magic within 30ft work with advantage/disadvantage benefiting the spell effects within 30ft, ELEMENTAL POOL 10ft radius appears within 30ft, FLASH of LIGHT and a colorful puff of smoke. If one is harvested and eaten within this time, the creature must make a, All creatures within 20 feet of you must make a, You can smell exceptionally well for 1 minute, gaining, You are protected from Elementals for one day. SHAPECHANGE into your favorite animal but you can still talk. An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute. Our Wild Beyond the Witchlight 5E Magic Items guide will go over everything that's brand new to the system. Creatures have disadvantage on saving throws against the next spell you cast in the next minute that involves a saving throw. Spells that use wild magic are given the Wild descriptor. With a bit more experience under my belt, Id even revise something I said. If just about any magical, or even nonmagical, event can spawn the existence of a magic user with a connection to wild magic, then wild magic is something far more universally present than previously thought. You get gain a -1 penalty to your AC for 1 minute. Use: Increases critical rating by 200 and spell power by 200 for 15 sec. It keeps the game fresh and exciting, and it helps lessen the insidious idea that Im here solely to curate an experience for my players. You lose 1d6x5 pounds. A shrieking, skinless, many-limbed horror that has the statistics of (and vaguely resembles) a unicorn appears within 30 feet of the character. In fact, as mentioned above, both the nature of the spellcaster and the place in which the surge is occurring can have an effect on the results of a wild magic surge. Potion, very rare. Foundry is a modernized, better-than replacement for Roll20, which prioritizes modding support. Potion of speed does little to nothing for me, but 200 crit means quicker eclipses, and 200 spell power is nothing to scoff at. For the next minute, you must shout when you speak. Any creature that ends its turn within 5 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they save a, You emanate light in a 30-foot radius for 1 minute. Except the thing is so fucking chaotic and harmful that if you like your PC even in the slightest its not at all worth invoking it. To install the Plutonium module, and start using all of 5etools' content in your game, paste the manifest URL [ current / v10 / v9] into your Foundry server's module installer. Your eyes permanently change color. I mean, these are sorcerers that can exert some small level of control over one of the most chaotic forces of nature, and it can occur as a random side effect of being born? This represents the Wild Magic building inside you. Any time before you regain the use of this feature, the DM can have you roll on the Wild Magic Surge table immediately after you cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher. All allies within 30 feet of you gain a -2 penalty to their AC for 1 minute. A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours. You are vulnerable to fiends for 1 hour. on a random creature within 60 feet of you. You immediately make an unarmed strike against a random creature within 5 feet of you. You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute. 55. When drunk, a creatures Strength score is increased to 29 for 1 hour. 13) The potion causes your body to become covered in thick, black fur. If the roll is even, you grow. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Potion of Supreme Healing: 10d4 + 20 Healing, 20,0000 gp, Very Rare. It takes an action to pick up 100 scattered coins. For the next day, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and add the result. You shrink 1d6 inches in height. The language needs some fixing but overall a fun twist on ubiquitous potions of healing. Way back in that Twitter thread, I talked about the function of totems as 4e magic items. For the next minute, you gain resistance to poison and psychic damage. You can detect the thoughts of 1 creature you can see within 30 feet of you for 1 minute. An untrained or unskilled caster who taps into these forces risks a wide variety of random or chaotic side effects. You are vulnerable to Beasts for 1 hour. For the next hour, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and add the result. Regardless, both of these player subclasses have an incredible tie to a force that really isnt studied much throughout the multiverse of D&D. Crimson liquid that pulses like a heartbeat with dull light. A simulacrum of yourself appears within 20 feet of you. You fall victim to a horrible cramp in both legs, reducing your speed by 10 feet for 1 hour. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Oil of Sharpness. 100. 100 Wild Magic Surges - Dndspeak 73-74. That certainly makes sense for the wild magic sorcerer. That's very odd. For longer fights, keep Potions of Speed handy to use outside of Bloodlust. Nathan . Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 lightning damage. When drunk, a creature gains the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). Such ceatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, You are surrounded by a horrible, noxious odor for 1 minute. For the next spell you cast within 1 minute that does damage, the damage is minimized. Magic oils are similar to potions, except that oils are applied externally rather than imbibed. You gain truesight out to a range of 60 feet for the next minute. Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. A potion is a magic liquid that produces its effect when imbibed. If you cannot see a humanoid, you appear as a naked, bald, androgynous albino human with no facial features. Roll a d10. However, its important to remember that the sorcerers Wild Magic Surge table isnt the be-all and end-all of wild magic mishaps. The red in the potion's liquid continuously contracts to a tiny bead and then expands to color the clear liquid around it. Each creature within 30 feet of you becomes invisible for the next minute. They can choose to spend 2 sorcery points (4 / 2 = 2) to reduce the size of the dice to 5d8 (range of 5-40), 4 sorcery points to reduce the dice to 5d6 (5-30), or 6 sorcery points to roll 5d4 (5-20). 6. For the next day, you gain proficiency in all skills that you are not already proficient in. Requires level 70. Maximum Power. We're making potions to sell to the townsfolk in Potion Craft, a new alchemist simulator that's. If youd like, you can even have players make an Arcana check against a suitable DC to determine whether or not they have to roll on this table. A planar portal, the chaos of the Elemental Planes, being blessed by a fey creature, marked by a demon, or just a random fluke of birth just about anything could cause this, which is pretty interesting if you think about it. 5-6. Until you use a bonus action or action to raise them up again, your walking speed is reduced to 10 feet and you have disadvantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws. If you also roll 33-34 or consume a potion of maximum power, then this surge could be the straw that breaks the boss fight's back. You grow a long beard made of feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point the feathers explode out from your face. You gain a random form of short-term madness (see the Dungeon Masters Guide). A unicorn controlled by the DM appears in a space within 5 feet of you, then disappears 1 minute later. This damage cant reduce your hit points below 1. It lets the wielder bypass Resistance to nonmagical attacks. Such creatures gain. What about the wild magic barbarian though? The one exception was at a convention session where one of the characters I provided was a wild-magic sorcerer. If the spell is a spell of 1st level, you still must expend a spell slot to cast it. The weave, at its core, is a way of taming the raw and chaotic nature so that we can cast spells and use precise abilities. For the next day, everything you say must rhyme. You levitate 6 inches off the ground for 1 minute. Spells. Up to three creatures you choose within 30 feet of you take 4d10 lightning damage. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, You have a momentary vision of your own death. Understanding the Wild Magic Surge Table | Wild Magic Table 5E Ornithopter of Flying. A trail of fire appears from their starting position to their teleported position. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, You are protected from Celestials for 1 hour. First, they have unpredictable effects on spells cast within them. I tried to stay as close as possible to the general wackiness and power level of the one in thePlayer's Handbook. A number (2d4) of the Staring Cats of Uldum-dar appear within 30 feet of the character. Sight-based creatures gain a -1 penalty on attack rolls against you and, Mushrooms sprout around you in a 5-foot radius and vanish after 1 minute. You cannot stand up or hold or manipulate objects until your appendages reappear at the start of your next turn. On a 1, roll on the Wild Magic Surge table which can be found below or on page 104 of the PHB. 100 Random Potion Effects - Dndspeak Potions 5e DnD Cost Prices List Guide Effect. Approximately 100 gallons of water appear over your head and those within 10 feet of you, evenly distributed above everybody within the radius. The sorcerer, for example, says that you might have received your abilities from exposure to some form of raw magic, like a planar portal or the Elemental Chaos. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Such creatures gain. You jump forward in time exactly 1 minute, for 1 minute. Magic in the world of Dungeons & Dragons takes many forms, but it almost always boils down to the ability of an individual, item, or entity to harness the ambient energy of the universe and bend it to their will. You turn into a potted plant until the start of your next turn. If you fall within the next day, you automatically have the benefit of the. However, instead of rolling d100 and going straight in, you must first roll d20 to determine which of the three columns youre going to use. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, Your fingers become sore for 1 hour. It defends itself if attacked, but it cannot speak and otherwise just looks around utterly confused. Their allegiances, motives, and the extent of their sentience are completely up to you as a DM. A spell such as. Can you make healing potions with herbalism kit 5e? You become invisible and silent for 1 minute. Actually, its probably a bit more accurate to say that these are wells. Wild Magic - DnD Wiki | Dungeons and Dragons (D&D 5E) Wiki You can't cast a spell from an item in beast form, nor use anything that requires speech or a body part that your beast form doesn't have. For more information, please see our Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on subsequent rolls. Perhaps you were blessed by a powerful fey creature or marked by a demon. Whenever you try, pink bubbles float out of your mouth. Potion of Greater Healing: 4d4 + 4 Healing, 200 gp, Uncommon. If they let you use Tides of Chaos to its fullest it can happen a lot. /use Potion of Wild Magic /yell Sweet lemonade, mmm sweet lemonade, sweet lemonade, yeah sweet lemonade! Your hair falls out but grows back within 24 hours. Click here to edit contents of this page. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to bludgeoning damage for 1 minute. When you focus on how your character feels about the wild magic theyre connected to, you get to influence not only their actions when using the magic but their overall personality in general. The power of your magic is strong! You are instantly resurrected if you are killed within 24 hours of drinking this potion. Sure, some spells have slightly randomized outcomes, but mostly you pick a thing, the thing happens, and thats it. For the next minute, you regain 5 hit points at the start of each of your turns. You let out a loud, thunderous belch that replicates the effect of a 1st-level thunderwave spell. You can picture this as a blast of arcane energy pouring out of these warriors hearts and unleashing a particularly nasty brand of chaos on the battlefield. When drunk, a creature gains resistance to all damage for 1 minute. A, You gain a random form of short-term madness (see the. 6 Chromatic Rose: Elemental Roses That Can Either Protect Or Damage Creatures. You gradually return to your original weight over the course of 1 day. You are protected from Fey for 1 day. You cast fear in the direction youre facing. A random creature within 60 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours. When drunk, a creature can breathe underwater for 1 hour. This is, of course, a house rule, but again, it comes down to the DM. Such creatures cannot attack you or harm you unless they succeed on a, For the next minute, you have double vision. Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in the air within 10 feet of you for the next minute. The main way we interact with any form of wild magic is through the abilities given to us by a select few subclasses. All silver you are carrying is now copper. One randomly-chosen non-magical item in your possession that weighs 1 pound or less vanishes and is forever gone. I mean, these sorcerers can actually control and harness the un-harnessable effects of wild magic. You are surrounded by faint, ethereal music for 1 minute. A spell such as. Ultimate Wild Magic Guide 5e: New Tables and Paths to Chaos 25 Great Low Level Magic Items To Give Players Early On In A D&D 5e Wild Magic (3.5e Variant Rule) - D&D Wiki Cool list! You break your attunement with 1d3 of your magic items to which you are attuned. You become affected as if you just drank a philter of love. All the rations you are carrying turn to soap. If there is no other creature within range, you target yourself. You no longer need to breathe for the next 1d8 hours. Small birds flutter and chirp in your vicinity for 1 minute, during which time you automatically fail any, A demon whose CR is equal to your level appears near you. The randomness, the uncertainty thats the stuff that separates DnD from kinda bad improv theater. As a sorcerer, they have an innate connection to some form of magic. Sorcerer: Wild Magic - DND 5th Edition - Wikidot You cast fireball as a 3rd-level spell centered on yourself. School of Chaos (Wild Magic Wizard). Full moon. If you die within the next minute, you immediately come back to life as if by the, UNFETTERED SURGE: Every round for 10rds roll on this table ignoring this result on subsequent rolls, MAGIC MISSLES hit nearby targets (5 missles), QUICKENED SPELLS cast times for 1action are 1bonus (10rds), MAXXED SPELLS max effects and damage (10rds), CAN'T SPEAK permanent (may be dispelled/remove curse), ALL FLAMMABLE OBJECTS ON PERSON BURST INTO FLAMES, FRIGHTENED by nearest creature until end of next turn, TARGETS ARE RANDOMIZED within 30ft of magic source, REJUVENATED (equivalent of long rest except for hp adjustment), SPELL FURCATION spell affects all creatures within 60ft of target. For starters, there are different grades of healing potions as presented by the Player's Handbook. Mordenkainens Faithful Hound could remain a faithful servant or become as violent as a wild dog. What happened to the spell I tried to cast? You grow a third eye in the center of your forehead, increasing your perception skill by 2. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. Your body and all your gear take on a glassy appearance for the next minute. Its fun, and thats what I want when playing D&D. Everyone always thinks about the Fireball TPK thing, but its only 2% chance. All creatures within 15 feet take 2d8 thunder damage and must make a, You are protected from Plants for 1 hour. You and all creatures within 30 feet of you gain vulnerability to thunder damage for 1 minute. For the next day, you are in the Border Ethereal near the location you were last in. You might have endured exposure to some form of raw magic, perhaps through a planar portal leading to Limbo, the Elemental Planes, or the mysterious Far Realm. How To Make Custom & Homebrew Character Backgrounds for DnD 5e, Everything You Need to Know About Difficult Terrain in DnD 5e, A Complete Guide to the Monk's Flurry of Blows in DnD 5e, Giff 5e: Guide to the Culture, Appearance & Traits of Hippo-Folk, The 8 Best Cantrips in DnD 5e for the Bard Class. However, a Moon-Touched Sword lacks other major combat benefits. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). You transform into a large empty barrel for 1 minute, during which time you considered. You lose proficiency on all skill checks for 1 minute. Every creature within 15 feet of you takes 1 necrotic damage. You gain the ability to breath water for 1 day. A spectral shield hovers near you for the next minute, granting you a +2 bonus to AC and immunity to. The effect lasts for 1d6 days. 33. You gain the ability to speak one new language of your choice. While a plant, you are incapacitated and have vulnerability to all damage. All allies within 20 feet of you get gain a -2 penalty on attack and damage rolls for any melee attack they make in the next minute. For the next day, any time you make an ability check, roll 1d6 and subtract the result. Theres a small callout in the PHB that talks about The Weave of Magic. At the very end, theres a single dismissable sentence that states in places where the Weave is damaged or torn, magic works in unpredictable ways or not at all. This little tidbit is our first 5e hint at the root of wild magic. During that time, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. All creatures within 40 feet of you can feel it, but it otherwise does nothing. I genuinely like this because I really wanted to play a Wild Magic Sorcerer just because of how fun that randomness could be, but it occurs far too rarely. The next time you cast a spell, roll twice on this chart. See pages that link to and include this page. A potion or oil can be used only once. Both effects will apply. While this table works fine, some players find 50 options to be inadequate. Your feet and hands disappear. When a wild magic surge occurs, you roll a d100 on the wild magic surge table and see what happens next. You automatically succeed on the next saving throw you make within the next minute. The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5 pieces of slashing or piercing ammunition. Most fights are easily won with Sleep anyway. An area of wild magic, or a wild magic zone, is where the pipes rupture, allowing insane amounts of energy to pour out and some crazy things to happen. View and manage file attachments for this page. Also, as Bloodcinder pointed out in a comment, this is an optional rule. Make a, You are protected from Elementals for 1 hour. Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. If a spell requires concentration to maintain, it will say so in the "Duration" item of the spell description. You become extremely physically ugly for 1d4 hours, losing 2 points of CHA. However, what it does do is expand the usability and opportunity to use Wild Magic in your campaign setting. These options are significantly weirder and more dangerous than those found on the standard wild magic table. It has fifty possible outcomes, and while they are chaotic, some of them represent too great a risk for any player to accept. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Creature gains the effect of a freedom of movement spell for 8 hours. It is the 5etools platform of choice for VTT integrations. This alone mitigates the risk so that more players might be willing to accept it. Their stats are then determined by their level and the type of spell they are. If the roll is odd, you shrink. For 1 minute, you gain resistance to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Planning on making an area where a Wild Magic effect happens whenever someone casts a spell, this is going to be VERY helpful in making it not extremely boring. There are, naturally, a million ways you could go, but when you focus on the characters perception of their own powers, you give yourself a huge jumping pad for further character exploration. You must spend more sorcery points each time. Do you mean feather fall? Readying a spell. This lasts for 1 minute. If you fail a, All creatures within 60 feet of you regain 2d8, You transform into a marble statue of yourself for 1 minute, during which time you are considered, Over the next minute, all plants within 20 feet of you grow as if affected by the.