Welcome to Firefights Survive Alive!
SurviveAlive.com is a state-of-the-art educational fire safety website that features interactive videos, games, comics, and a downloadable fire safety curriculum for educators.
The Survive Alive Village is a hands-on educational facility that utilizes a two-bedroom home environment and simulated fire and smoke to give visitors the life-saving skills and experience to escape the perils of a fire. The educational programs are designed for children of all ages, but especially for those in the second grade.
The Survive Alive Village offers the following activities:
Classroom training at Survive Alive Village provided by a real Marion County Firefighters;
Practice to escape from a simulated fire situation in the Survive Alive house at Survive Alive Village with 911 telephone training to learn how to report a fire or other life-threatening emergency; and
Evaluation and testing of what child participants learned and retained.